
Bit of an odd one... I've had a quick poke in some of the other threads but haven't seen anything akin to this problem....

Sat at home earlier with Yogi on the road outside and heard what sounded like a burglar alarm, quick look out the window and look but the hazards aren't flashing on Yogi so didn't think it was the car.

Went for a ride out later still thinking the alarm was coming from a nearby house (might have had the radio cranked up a tad loud...) eventually realized that Yogi was the source of the alarm noise. Pull over, open bonnet and pull connector out of the alarm sounder on the drivers side wing.... all is now quiet again.

Question is, why would the alarm sounder be active when the hazards are not flashing to say alarm is going off? All a bit odd....
Maybe because u have a battery backed up sounder BBUS and the hold off voltage from the vehicles battery is be missing... or u may have an issue with the alarm ECU it's self.

Do an alarm function test to see what happens then.

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