
New Member

I purchased a used Freelander and when i press unlock the doors open and and the dash light blinks about 10seconds. I found out the batteries needed to be replaced and I did. Now when alarm when I use the remote the doors only lock an unlock. The Alarm does not arm or disarm also the light on the dash does not blink nor any sound when I try arm or disarm.

Can any help in how to test the system or reset the alarm?

There should be no sound when arming or disarming, if theres a beep when arming/locking, it means there is a door open.

Indicators should flash when arming/disarming.

To test the alarm, wind the drivers (or any) window down, close the door and lock with the remote, leave for about a minute then wave your arm through the window, the alarm should go off.
Hi clutchdust,

Thanks for the reply. I did try that but no luck. The alarm did not go off, nor any lights. Do you know if they ever came without an alarm system installed?

Also is there any other test to do?

rod, your volumetric sensor may me knackers, although never have heard of one going before. when you say no lights, do you mean the red LED on the dash. this should flash quickly when you lock the car.

try doing the test above, (only lock the car once, not twice. one locks it, twice dead locks it) then reach in and attempt to open the door, all hell should breeak loose. if nothing open the other door, then pop the bonnet (all while armed)

if nothing maybe try this.
leave the tail gate window open and try to lock the car. your horn should honk.;

then leave a door open with the window shut, it should also honk. im not sure if the alarm causes the honk or the central locking.

do your indicators flash when locking unlocking?

leave your results here for other emebers. i think this is all the info you'll be abole to pass on.

Hi UC,

I did all what you said and no luck at all. No lights flash, both the red dash light or the indicators lights.

Have you ever heard of a LR that came without a alarm?

When I purchased the vehicle (used) the red light on the dash was to flash quickly for about 10 sec, so I had the battery replaced and it stopped. but before and after replacing the battery on the remote I had the current problem.

Let me know if you can provide any help.
Thanks allot.

the 10 second led flashing meant the battery on the handset was low - & you rightly had a new one fitted - was it the right one? (land rover STC 4080 or panasonic CR2032)

did the indicators flash (flash 3 times when armed & the red led flashes rapidly)

have you tried locking it with the key only ? - turning once locks doors & sets alarm (but not interior protection) , turning twice within one seconds locks & soperlocks doors & sets alarm

have you tried resynchronising the handset?

from the owners handbook

Handset resynchronisation

If the handset fails to lock or unlock the car, this may be because the coded signal transmitted by the handset, and the signal expected by the
alarm control unit are no longer synchronised. To resynchronise the handset, operate either button of the handset at least five times in quick succession (in close proximity to the vehicle).
burton boy, every thing seems to work, but its like his wagon has no alarm fitted. i'd probably ring the dealer and give them your reg and see if one was fitted. What model was it exactly?
check your fuse board for a alarm fuse. is the isnt one try one, if that doesnt work then maybe you dont have one.

whats your address?

u got a nice stereo?
Hi All,
I have the 2002 model. I did call the dealer and they said that it did not come with an alarm. What a waste!
Even though the remote controls the door lucks and the tailgate window.
I find it kind off strange that they would not have installed one at the factory. Do you know if this is normal?

Also Do you know if I can have one installed or get one from a car shop and have it installed without any problems?

Oh! I am from Trinidad in the Caribbean and I don't have a good stereo.

Thanks guys,

rod, yeah, it is a bit weird. what cars nowadahy dont atleast honk the horn when a door is opened from the inside. if you need to fit an alarm i'd get one of they clifford G4 things. you can give the gippo your keys and he still wont get very far.

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