
New Member
I think this one may have been asked before, but don't seem to recall it getting an answer (other than a rather complex solution involving relays wired to the indicators). I'm wanting to install a window closure unit.
Is there a wire that outputs constant negative (or positive) when the alarm is active - had a look at RAVE but couldn't make any sense of it.

Any ideas anyone?
use a relay triggered by the alarm circuit to allow power from the battery.

Yes, that part I understand - what I need to know is where to find a trigger - i.e. an output wire from the alarm ccu that outputs a constant - or + when and only when the alarm is active.
As I mentioned this is for a window closure interface, so that does all the relay related stuff for me, I just need the trigger output.
(I've looked to the possiblity of the alarm LED - but that's constant live and pulsed earth so I don't know if that'd be much use. It'd probably lift the windows by a couple of mm on lock and then either stop or pulse the windows closed in time with the flashing LED until fully closed - either way it doesn't sound ideal.)
have a read of this - its from the x-trail forum, but has a circuit board an all - i think it work from the door lock system.
What would stop thecurrent flow when the windows reached the fully closed position? will you fit sensors?

It's a kit, so not 100% sure - will check this eve, I think it caters for this by detecting strain on the motor and cutting the power rather than having position sensors.
have a read of this - its from the x-trail forum, but has a circuit board an all - i think it work from the door lock system.

Thanks for that - had a quick read through it appears to be a method of keeping the windows with power after the ignition is switched off - my FL already has this - it provides 30-40 secs of power to the switches after the ingnition is switched off to allow you to manually put the windows up. What i'm looking for is a wire that either goes + or - once the alarm keyfob is pressed and the doors are locked.
I'm thinking if the door locking mechanism could be utilsed, but again I suspect the signal will be a short pulse rather than a constant.


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