
my alarm started going off random . is there away to just have the indicators flashing and no horns siren .
if i pull the plugs off the horns the alarm siren wont work great but also my car horn wont work which i need ?
There's no way to separate the horn and alarm. Your best bet is to find why the alarm is going off. The bonnet sensor is the prime candidate.
Try just locking it with the key instead of the key Fob. That way the pressure sensor inside the car wont detect any difference in air pressure because air pressure is leaking out of whatever hole or failed window seal that may cause this. If it still happens then maybe cored wire/moister/failed sensor etc like Nodge allured to
Try just double locking it with the key instead of the key Fob
a flying insect can set off the interior sensor
happens with mine in warm weather .. so i just use the key
At this time of year with moisture in the air and still heat in the sun, the evaporation of water can set it off!!
If I leave mine over night but facing the rising sun, it will go off at 8.10am precisely, like an alarm clock. Remedy, park it the other way round or moisture absorbers.
But check the bonnet catch, tailgate latch and have a look for dozy insects.

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