
New Member

I have a 1997 300 tdi HCPU, I have ordered a Toad Sterling one, cat 1 alarm for some peace of mind as well as other anti theft devices. My question is where to mount the main unit (ECU) as i'm struggling for space.

Any help much appreciated.

Thanks, there is lots of room under the seat but I am worried a thief could get it quicker, there doesnt quite look as if there is room around the dash.
I get it, sorry a little slow today. I wondered how I couldnt find much online and how the defender is 4th on the most stolen list in the UK. Good idea to keep quiet about security. Thankfully there are lots of pre factory immobilizer cars for car thieves to go at here in Portugal. I've found somewhere that it will fit and will be a nightmare for me to get at never mind any thief.

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