
New Member
can someone tell me how i get this off the display tried pressing everything :confused:

i know itll be a simple fix and will end up making me look silly :)
What do you think it could be, given the present weather conditions?

im obviously not a book of knoledge like you mate eh......it was a genuine question but as usual the ****ing stupid remarks come along off the ****ing cocks
Wooooooo ( pulls handbag up to chin ) easy there fella. Book of knowledge? maybee. Handbook, definatley. May I assume you are either short or ginger, or perhaps both?
Wooooooo ( pulls handbag up to chin ) easy there fella. Book of knowledge? maybee. Handbook, definatley. May I assume you are either short or ginger, or perhaps both?

Or just a daft cuunt that wants the forum to be run just the way he likes it. :rolleyes:
Another Land Rover site going down the pan, this is the third one.

Don't let it happen guys.
The only thing necessary for the victory of evil is that good men should do nothing. There's party poopers everywhere : don't let them run the party . They can leave any time they like.:nothingtoadd:
Another Land Rover site going down the pan, this is the third one.

Define going down the Pan??
As far as I'm aware LZ has run this way since it's inception. with plenty of ****taking and abusing of numpties & keyboard warriors.

Membership is increasing, as is the thread count.

However there is always someone coming on here and deciding that. Because they don't like what they read. The forum should stop it, change completly and be run the way they believe a forum should be run. Whilst completely ignoring the fact that the forum ran perfectly well before they arrived and will continue to do so long after they have buggered off and found a forum. With a posting style that is more suited to their genteel nature and delicate disposition.
I would hope by now some of you will know my style and even appreciate my museings and words of wisdom on the one other subject I know a little about, the Range Rover. I like most of the others on here, realise that owning a P38 and having a sense of humour go hand in hand. Many a time I have spent several hours researching stuff that someone has asked a question about, and indeed yesterday spent most of my working day pondering Andy Hunts missfire and posting my thoughts. His was a honest plea for assistance. I do however get a little tired of people who seem to be unable to help themselves even to the extent of looking in a handbook. These people will always receive some sort of curt, sarcastic or ridiculus reply.

I wouldnt be surprised to find he had a Diesel on 22s.....:rolleyes:

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