
I had a problem when the driver's door mechanism froze in the icy weather, so I got in through the passenger side and tried in vain to open the driver's door from the inside. Unfortunately, I was a bit too heavy handed (nothing new there then!) and I heard something snap inside.
To cut a long story short, a local mechanic (not a Landie specialist) opened up and had to replace part of the door release gubbins, but in doing so had to disconnect the airbag to get at the bit he needed to look at.
He connected it all up again and the door is now fine, but I have a little red airbag warning light on the dash that won't go out.
Any advice, or do I bite the bullet and go to the main dealer to get it reset at some exorbitant price?
Then your Mech is a donut. never disconnect part of the SRS system with the battery connected....even when you disconnect you have to wait a minium of 20 minutes for the SRS system to discharge fully before playing with it...

Reset can only be done using a diagnostic computer...either some one local to you may have the gear (to far for me !) or a trip to the dealer for a reset.

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