
New Member
Hi all,
please can someone shed some light on this subject.
Recently bought P38 4.0 se and all seems fine for a few niggles.

when using the heating everything is working fine heats up cools down blows in all directions the only problem is i cant to seem to get any air blowing out of the rear vents.

people in the back say its cold but we are red hot in the front trying to warm them up???

is there a pipe that could be off or is it probably knackered.

the other thing is that when you put the neating fan on to full speed it is very noisy, is there some form of bearing or motor that could be on its way out,. if so should i avoid full blast at all times

Hi Carl,

I had the same problem with mine and found that the pipe that feeds the rear vents had come away.

I had it reseated when the blend motors were replaced and alls fine now.

If you feel where your left legs sits after the heating has been on, does it get a little warm to touch!.. Not sure how to get to the pipe itself other than removing the window/sunroof switch front as a start



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