
New Member
Hi All,

Picked up my 2001 Range Rover Westminster on Friday. Thought it was strange that the seller "Warmed it up for me" before I arrived. At my previous viewing he had also had the car running waiting for me to arrive.

Hmmmm, suspicious!!

As expected, I got up next morning to find the front near side corner on the stops. Bugger!! While trying to work out what the problem was I fired up the V8, and waited for the pump to pressurise the system. Once normal ride height was established I switched off and walked around to the F/N/S.

I was watching the ride height for signs of dropping when I heard a double hiss. Like a valve opening and closing twice in succession. The ride height dropped about an inch. A few seconds later and another double hiss, and the ride height dropped again. This happened a third time. Doesn't sound like a leak, but the EAS system bleeding air.

No errors on the message console, and the warning lights on the EAS controls seem to work ok? Once going I can raise height up to the max, and down to access level ok. Whilst driving the suspension seems fine, although I sometimes feel that the left drops a little, but then recovers.

Any clues?

i have sim. prob ,i get the hissing read my thread(suspension prob or not?) wills gave me some good advice. may help you.
Hi All,

Some more information, and thanks for the suggestions so far!!

It appears that this is not a simple leak. When I was doing further investigation the other day I noticed that there is a clicking noise from the EAS "Black Box" after the car is switched off, which sounds like a relay clicking. It can "click" for up to five seconds at a time, and towards the end of the sequence the "hiss" can be heard, which coincides with the last few relay clicks, usually the last two.

Still no EAS fault on the message center. Does this ring any bells?

i have no clicks at all however the hissing is easily heard outside the car when iv turned off and got out of the car.its not all the time ...say one in five or six but over night it lowers to its lowest setting,but rises in seconds in te morning..
Gents, The clicking noise is the system levelling itself to the lowest corner - if you have a leak in one spring it will lower itself to the stops in the end.
It sounds like you need to change the front springs easy DIY job about 65.00 quid a side but be sure to buy new clips about a quid each as it is easier to snap off the old ones than fight the corrosion to get them out
its the back pass side that i see going down first(say 2-4 hours) and over njght it all lowers,however the front always seems to be higher come morning..not saying you arnt right but would it not be the rear springs tat need replacing? has the hissing seems to be comming from the rear end?? or is it that the fron have gone and the back are over compensating?
If the EAS seems to "mess around" trying to level itself,it could be down to worn height sensors - NOT an air leak.Get the system checked out by someone who is familiar with it rather than just replacing parts.

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