
Space man
Does anyone have a scope with an 11mm fixing they want to sell ?

Only after a cheapy as need the practice before I think about buying a better rifle :D
How much are lions?:D:D
we had a cat ****ting in our garden and our 2 old cats couldnt be arsed to chase it off :mad: I had a cheese and pickled onion weekend and poured the extra pickling vinegar mixed with curry powder all over the place........seemed to work :D
we had a cat ****ting in our garden and our 2 old cats couldnt be arsed to chase it off :mad: I had a cheese and pickled onion weekend and poured the extra pickling vinegar mixed with curry powder all over the place........seemed to work :D

I can imagine that working.
Me mam made me a hooge jar of spicy pickled onions and I stupidly left them on the back seat of me car:doh:
Upon heavy braking the jar flew forward and smashed on the floor, 1ltr of pickled onions decended upon the floor of said veehiclke and created such a stink:mad:

A stink that lasted for about 6 months:eek::eek::eek:

Reckon that's a goodun. need a jar of mums spescial unyins:D
I can imagine that working.
Me mam made me a hooge jar of spicy pickled onions and I stupidly left them on the back seat of me car:doh:
Upon heavy braking the jar flew forward and smashed on the floor, 1ltr of pickled onions decended upon the floor of said veehiclke and created such a stink:mad:

A stink that lasted for about 6 months:eek::eek::eek:

Reckon that's a goodun. need a jar of mums spescial unyins:D
yep me mum does the same and pickled eggs ! best to eaten em before they go brown :eek:
Think I might have one - will have a look in the garage later and let you know. Think it's a Crossman.
Had a look and must be hidden deep in the depths of my garage! Could be weeks before I find it!!
Mole valley do em fairly cheap. So does Trago Mills if you can get Trewy or one of the SouWesters. to get ya one & brung it to Salisbury..

OOh there's an idea we can have a Bi-athalon only shoot & drive instaed of shoot & ski. :D
did anyone find one ?


I can saw it to what ever size you want:lol:

Just make sure pikey dunt see it, he'll rob it:lol:

I can saw it to what ever size you want:lol:

Just make sure pikey dunt see it, he'll rob it:lol:

Stick it up yer arse. i has a length in the van and a length of 22mm you can stick that oop ya arse anorl if ya want..

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