
New Member
the Air filter in the Pig has been clean since we got her a couple of months back..... until yesterday! hubs put redex in on weds night, Piggy is now popping and spluttering and theres loads of black oil and crap come out the top of the air filter:confused: is this to do with the redex you think or something else going on, and if it's something else is it serious:(
where did he put the red x in the fuel or in the inlet manifold can you give some more info, like how much redx did he put in, sounds like a timing issue going by what you have said ie plugs leads on wrong plugs, valve could be stuck, normaly in that situation the engine is firing in the wrong order as crap is coming out of filter instead of going out thru the exaust, it could also be a burnt or damaged valve causing the engine to blow back thru the air filter. or even to much oil in the engine but this is only most likely if it was well over the top level mark, check the obvious first, regards to you l/bird
redex went in the fuel tank. he has just decided to tell me that they were playing with the carb and timing last week and after it was backfiring:rolleyes: guess that could account for the oil out the top of the filter:confused:
Anyhows, new dizzy fitted today as old one was knackered, they set the timing spot on and engine was popping so they've re-adjusted so that the popping stops, next job to change oil in filter and see what happens after that, fingers crossed lol;)
you need to sort that man out of yours landybird take him round the back of the landy and give hiim a good kicking, back firing in caused by the points gap incorrect, another thing you can do is get the horse to give him a kick, pmsl regards jim, the charge light on the dash most likely cause, alternator brushes knackered or voltage regulator, or loose fan belt, nothing to do with battery,
lol thanks jim, i gave him a good beating but the bugger enjoyed it:rolleyes:;)
charge light can wait till the weekend , too hot to play with cars or horses at the mo!!

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