
Hi all. I have a Freelander 1 2001 td4. There was no air conditioning from the factory, I installed it, it’s good that there are all the standard wires and connectors. but it does not turn on, does not detect the refrigerant pressure and evaporator temperature sensors. Through delphi autocom the compressor clutch turns on and shows that the AC button is working. What else should I dig, who can tell me?
Presumably if you swap the security module ith key chip and the matching ECM from a car with air con you have cracked it?
Presumably if you swap the security module ith key chip and the matching ECM from a car with air con you have cracked it?
no, I didn't hack it. I thought that it would be possible to register this function in the ECU, but it turned out that Delphi and mongoose cannot encode the block. We tried to connect thinkdiag but also without results. According to articles on the Internet they write that only testbook t4 can encode. which no one has ever seen in our country.
no, I didn't hack it. I thought that it would be possible to register this function in the ECU, but it turned out that Delphi and mongoose cannot encode the block. We tried to connect thinkdiag but also without results. According to articles on the Internet they write that only testbook t4 can encode. which no one has ever seen in our country.
if only I knew where to write it in the dump itself? I guess I've dealt with this. I can remove nand carefully.
Where are you by the way?? Your profile doesn't say?

So - the ECU and the security module and the chip in the ignition key are all matched to work together.
The chip is in the black part of the key.
The security module is behind the centre of the dashboard. It reads the key chip, if happy it passes a code to the ECU which when it gets the correct code enables the engine to work !

You would need a similar age matched set to your vehicle.
Where are you by the way?? Your profile doesn't say?

So - the ECU and the security module and the chip in the ignition key are all matched to work together.
The chip is in the black part of the key.
The security module is behind the centre of the dashboard. It reads the key chip, if happy it passes a code to the ECU which when it gets the correct code enables the engine to work !

You would need a similar age matched set to your vehicle.
I'm from Ukraine. thanks for the detailed information. This kit costs 120 US dollars. I'll probably take the kit. Thank you.
This helps understand what the ECM does with regard to the Air Conditioning:

DESCRIPTION General The air conditioning (A/C) system will only operate when the engine is running. The A/C system is switched on and off by pressing the switch mounted on the centre console. When the switch is pressed, an LED mounted within the switch illuminates to inform the driver the system is operational. For more information on LED operation, refer to the Interior Illumination section of this manual.+ INTERIOR ILLUMINATION.
The position of the rotary heater control determines the amount of warm air from the heater matrix blended with cool air from the A/C evaporator, and hence the temperature of the air output from the heater ducts.NOTE: The blower switch must be in at least position 1 for the A/C system to operate.The A/C system is automatically switched on when either the screen or screen/feet positions are selected via the rotary distribution control knob.NOTE: The A/C LED will not illuminate under these conditions.
For more information on heater operation, refer to the Heater Blower section of this manual.+ HEATER BLOWER.
OPERATION General Feed from the positive battery terminal (C0192) is supplied to fusible link 5, fusible link 1 and the main relay (C0632) on an R wire. All are located within the engine compartment fusebox.The earth path for the main relay coil (C0576) is controlled by the Engine Control Module(ECM) (C0603) on a WK wire. The energised main relay provides a feed to fuse 4, which is also located in the engine compartment fuse box. For more details on main relay operation,refer to the Engine Management Systems – EDC section of the System Description and Operation Workshop manual.Fusible link 1 is connected in series with fusible link 2, fuse 8, and fuse 9 which are also located in the engine compartment fuse box. Fuse 8 (C0576) provides a constant batteryfeed to the heater blower relay (C0153) on a GN then GW wire. Fuse 9 provides a constantbattery feed to the compressor clutch relay, which is also located in the engine compartment fuse box.
FREELANDER 04MY 4.75Fusible link 2 (C0571) is connected to the ignition switch (C0028) by an NR wire. When theignition switch is turned to the 'ignition' position, current flows across the switch (C0028) tofuse 4 of the passenger compartment fuse box (C0588) on an SU wire. Fuse 4 (C0585)provides an ignition feed to the following on G then LGS wires:z The blower motor switch (C0058).z The fresh/recirculated air switch (C0750).z The fresh/recirculated air motor (C0006).A/C Master SwitchWhen the blower switch (C0058) is turned to position 1 or higher, it provides a feed to the A/C master switch (C0275) and the A/C microswitch (C2575) on SW then B wires. If A/C isrequested, the switch (C0275) provides a feed to the instrument pack (C0233) via themicroswitch (C2575) on a B then SK wire. When the instrument pack receives an A/Crequest from the switch, it informs the ECM (C0331) via the CAN BUS on YN (Low) and YB(High) wires.The A/C master switch is mounted on the centre console, and is earthed (C0275) on a Bwire.For more information on the CAN BUS, refer to the Communication Databuses sectionof the System Description and Operation Workshop manual.A/C MicroswitchThe A/C microswitch (C2575) is mounted on the rear of the heater distribution control knob,and switches the A/C on automatically when the screen or feet/screen position is selected.In this instance, the switch contacts close, allowing the blower motor switch (C0058) toprovide a feed to the instrument pack (C0233) on an SW then SK wire, by-passing the A/Cmaster switch.CompressorWhen the ECM (C0331) receives an A/C request signal via the CAN BUS, it will energisethe A/C compressor clutch relay by providing an earth path for the relay coil (C0576) on aUB wire. A feed from fuse 9 of the engine compartment fuse box is now able to flow acrossthe energised relay (C0575) to the compressor clutch (C0127) on an R wire.DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION4.76 FREELANDER 04MYInstrument PackThe instrument pack (C0230) acts as a gateway, relaying CAN messages to and fromdifferent components throughout the vehicle as follows:pressure SensorThe pressure sensor is located in the high pressure A/C line adjacent the compressor, andreplaces the more traditional trinary pressure switch. The instrument pack (C0230) providesa 5 V reference voltage to the pressure sensor (C1257) on a UO wire. The pressure sensor(C1257) is provided an earth path via the instrument pack (C0230) on a PB wire.The pressure sensor (C1257) provides the instrument pack (C0230) a signal feed on a UGwire. The value of this signal feed is dependent upon the pressure within the A/C system.This signal is relayed by the instrument pack (C0230) to the ECM (C0331) via the CAN-BUSon YB (High) and YN (Low) wires. The ECM uses this signal to determine the pressure withinthe A/C system, enabling it to carry out the following tasks:z To provide a safety cut-out function if the pressure within the A/C system goes eithertoo high or too low.z To control the speed of the cooling and condenser fans via the cooling fan ECU.z To help control engine idle speed.Evaporator Temperature SensorThe evaporator temperature sensor is used to ensure the evaporator doesn't freeze. Theinstrument pack (C0230) provides a feed to the evaporator temperature sensor (C0417) ona GO wire. The sensor (C0417) is earthed on a B wire. The instrument pack relays thetemperature reading to the ECM (C0331) via the CAN BUS on YB (High) and YN (Low)wires.NOTE: The ECM also uses the evaporator temperature sensor signal in conjunction with thepressure sensor signal to help control engine idle speed.For more information on CAN messages, refer to the Communication Databuses sectionof the System Description and Operation Workshop manual.Cooling Fan Control UnitFusible link 5 of the engine compartment fuse box (C0573) provides a constant battery feedto the cooling fan control unit (C0208) on an NG wire. Fuse 4 of the engine compartmentfuse box (C0575) provides a feed to the cooling control unit (C1680) on an NK wire whenthe main relay is energised (see above). The cooling control unit (C0208) is earthed on a Bwire.To control cooling fan and condenser fan speed, the ECM (C0331) provides the cooling fancontrol unit (C1680) a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal on a UW wire. The frequencyof the pulses supplied by the ECM determines the speed the cooling fan control unit will drivethe cooling fan and condenser fan motors.DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONFREELANDER 04MY 4.77The cooling fan control unit interprets the PWM signal provided by the ECM as follows:z If a PWM signal of between approximately 12 % and 87 % is received by the coolingfan control unit, it will not power the cooling fans.z If a PWM signal of 87 % or over is received by the cooling fan control unit, it will providea feed to the cooling fan (C0005) and condenser fan motors (C0280) on SU wires. Anearth path is provided for the cooling fan (C0005) and condenser fan motors (C0280)by the cooling fan control unit (C2470) on a pair of PS wires.z If a PWM signal of less than 12 % is received by the cooling fan control unit, it assumesa fault has occurred and powers the cooling and condenser fan motors as describedabove.z If a continuous voltage is received by the cooling fan control unit, it assumes a fault hasoccurred and powers the cooling and condenser fan motors as described above.Fresh/Recirculated AirFuse 4 of the passenger compartment fuse box (C0585) provides an ignition feed to thefresh/recirculated air motor (C0006) and the fresh/recirculated air switch (C0750) on G thenLGS wires. When the switch is the normal (released) position, it provides an earth path forthe motor (C0006) via a Y wire. The motor will open the recirculation flap, allowing the A/Csystem to use air drawn from outside the vehicle.If the fresh/recirculated air switch is pressed, it provides an earth path for the motor (C0006)via a K wire. The motor will now close the recirculation flap, allowing the A/C system to userecirculated air. The switch is mounted on the centre console, adjacent the A/C masterswitch, and is earthed (C0750) on a B wire.
This helps understand what the ECM does with regard to the Air Conditioning:

DESCRIPTION General The air conditioning (A/C) system will only operate when the engine is running. The A/C system is switched on and off by pressing the switch mounted on the centre console. When the switch is pressed, an LED mounted within the switch illuminates to inform the driver the system is operational. For more information on LED operation, refer to the Interior Illumination section of this manual.+ INTERIOR ILLUMINATION.
The position of the rotary heater control determines the amount of warm air from the heater matrix blended with cool air from the A/C evaporator, and hence the temperature of the air output from the heater ducts.NOTE: The blower switch must be in at least position 1 for the A/C system to operate.The A/C system is automatically switched on when either the screen or screen/feet positions are selected via the rotary distribution control knob.NOTE: The A/C LED will not illuminate under these conditions.
For more information on heater operation, refer to the Heater Blower section of this manual.+ HEATER BLOWER.
OPERATION General Feed from the positive battery terminal (C0192) is supplied to fusible link 5, fusible link 1 and the main relay (C0632) on an R wire. All are located within the engine compartment fusebox.The earth path for the main relay coil (C0576) is controlled by the Engine Control Module(ECM) (C0603) on a WK wire. The energised main relay provides a feed to fuse 4, which is also located in the engine compartment fuse box. For more details on main relay operation,refer to the Engine Management Systems – EDC section of the System Description and Operation Workshop manual.Fusible link 1 is connected in series with fusible link 2, fuse 8, and fuse 9 which are also located in the engine compartment fuse box. Fuse 8 (C0576) provides a constant batteryfeed to the heater blower relay (C0153) on a GN then GW wire. Fuse 9 provides a constantbattery feed to the compressor clutch relay, which is also located in the engine compartment fuse box.
FREELANDER 04MY 4.75Fusible link 2 (C0571) is connected to the ignition switch (C0028) by an NR wire. When theignition switch is turned to the 'ignition' position, current flows across the switch (C0028) tofuse 4 of the passenger compartment fuse box (C0588) on an SU wire. Fuse 4 (C0585)provides an ignition feed to the following on G then LGS wires:z The blower motor switch (C0058).z The fresh/recirculated air switch (C0750).z The fresh/recirculated air motor (C0006).A/C Master SwitchWhen the blower switch (C0058) is turned to position 1 or higher, it provides a feed to the A/C master switch (C0275) and the A/C microswitch (C2575) on SW then B wires. If A/C isrequested, the switch (C0275) provides a feed to the instrument pack (C0233) via themicroswitch (C2575) on a B then SK wire. When the instrument pack receives an A/Crequest from the switch, it informs the ECM (C0331) via the CAN BUS on YN (Low) and YB(High) wires.The A/C master switch is mounted on the centre console, and is earthed (C0275) on a Bwire.For more information on the CAN BUS, refer to the Communication Databuses sectionof the System Description and Operation Workshop manual.A/C MicroswitchThe A/C microswitch (C2575) is mounted on the rear of the heater distribution control knob,and switches the A/C on automatically when the screen or feet/screen position is selected.In this instance, the switch contacts close, allowing the blower motor switch (C0058) toprovide a feed to the instrument pack (C0233) on an SW then SK wire, by-passing the A/Cmaster switch.CompressorWhen the ECM (C0331) receives an A/C request signal via the CAN BUS, it will energisethe A/C compressor clutch relay by providing an earth path for the relay coil (C0576) on aUB wire. A feed from fuse 9 of the engine compartment fuse box is now able to flow acrossthe energised relay (C0575) to the compressor clutch (C0127) on an R wire.DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION4.76 FREELANDER 04MYInstrument PackThe instrument pack (C0230) acts as a gateway, relaying CAN messages to and fromdifferent components throughout the vehicle as follows:pressure SensorThe pressure sensor is located in the high pressure A/C line adjacent the compressor, andreplaces the more traditional trinary pressure switch. The instrument pack (C0230) providesa 5 V reference voltage to the pressure sensor (C1257) on a UO wire. The pressure sensor(C1257) is provided an earth path via the instrument pack (C0230) on a PB wire.The pressure sensor (C1257) provides the instrument pack (C0230) a signal feed on a UGwire. The value of this signal feed is dependent upon the pressure within the A/C system.This signal is relayed by the instrument pack (C0230) to the ECM (C0331) via the CAN-BUSon YB (High) and YN (Low) wires. The ECM uses this signal to determine the pressure withinthe A/C system, enabling it to carry out the following tasks:z To provide a safety cut-out function if the pressure within the A/C system goes eithertoo high or too low.z To control the speed of the cooling and condenser fans via the cooling fan ECU.z To help control engine idle speed.Evaporator Temperature SensorThe evaporator temperature sensor is used to ensure the evaporator doesn't freeze. Theinstrument pack (C0230) provides a feed to the evaporator temperature sensor (C0417) ona GO wire. The sensor (C0417) is earthed on a B wire. The instrument pack relays thetemperature reading to the ECM (C0331) via the CAN BUS on YB (High) and YN (Low)wires.NOTE: The ECM also uses the evaporator temperature sensor signal in conjunction with thepressure sensor signal to help control engine idle speed.For more information on CAN messages, refer to the Communication Databuses sectionof the System Description and Operation Workshop manual.Cooling Fan Control UnitFusible link 5 of the engine compartment fuse box (C0573) provides a constant battery feedto the cooling fan control unit (C0208) on an NG wire. Fuse 4 of the engine compartmentfuse box (C0575) provides a feed to the cooling control unit (C1680) on an NK wire whenthe main relay is energised (see above). The cooling control unit (C0208) is earthed on a Bwire.To control cooling fan and condenser fan speed, the ECM (C0331) provides the cooling fancontrol unit (C1680) a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal on a UW wire. The frequencyof the pulses supplied by the ECM determines the speed the cooling fan control unit will drivethe cooling fan and condenser fan motors.DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONFREELANDER 04MY 4.77The cooling fan control unit interprets the PWM signal provided by the ECM as follows:z If a PWM signal of between approximately 12 % and 87 % is received by the coolingfan control unit, it will not power the cooling fans.z If a PWM signal of 87 % or over is received by the cooling fan control unit, it will providea feed to the cooling fan (C0005) and condenser fan motors (C0280) on SU wires. Anearth path is provided for the cooling fan (C0005) and condenser fan motors (C0280)by the cooling fan control unit (C2470) on a pair of PS wires.z If a PWM signal of less than 12 % is received by the cooling fan control unit, it assumesa fault has occurred and powers the cooling and condenser fan motors as describedabove.z If a continuous voltage is received by the cooling fan control unit, it assumes a fault hasoccurred and powers the cooling and condenser fan motors as described above.Fresh/Recirculated AirFuse 4 of the passenger compartment fuse box (C0585) provides an ignition feed to thefresh/recirculated air motor (C0006) and the fresh/recirculated air switch (C0750) on G thenLGS wires. When the switch is the normal (released) position, it provides an earth path forthe motor (C0006) via a Y wire. The motor will open the recirculation flap, allowing the A/Csystem to use air drawn from outside the vehicle.If the fresh/recirculated air switch is pressed, it provides an earth path for the motor (C0006)via a K wire. The motor will now close the recirculation flap, allowing the A/C system to userecirculated air. The switch is mounted on the centre console, adjacent the A/C masterswitch, and is earthed (C0750) on a B wire.
Thank you. Now I'm 100 percent sure that the problem is in the ECU. Since all reference voltages are present on the sensors. and naturally the instrument panel communicates via the Can line with the ECU.
hi guys. I want to add to my story about the renovation. so, I bought another ECU unit (key, antenna, immobilizer unit, and comfort unit), everything was removed from the car on which the air conditioner was installed. I turn it on and start everything ok. but the air conditioner still doesn't work)))). It also does not detect pressure and temperature sensors of the evaporator. this is the end of my repair ((
Presumably if you swap the security module ith key chip and the matching ECM from a car with air con you have cracked it?
hi guys. I want to add to my story about the renovation. so, I bought another ECU unit (key, antenna, immobilizer unit, and comfort unit), everything was removed from the car on which the air conditioner was installed. I turn it on and start everything ok. but the air conditioner still doesn't work)))). It also does not detect pressure and temperature sensors of the evaporator. this is the end of my repair ((
Must be something else not connected. You said Delphi could switch clutch on and off, does the clutch operate now?? If the refrigerant is low pressure the clutch will not operate.
Just a process of checking it through and find out what signals are missing.
Must be something else not connected. You said Delphi could switch clutch on and off, does the clutch operate now?? If the refrigerant is low pressure the clutch will not operate.
Just a process of checking it through and find out what signals are missing.
the clutch still works only through Delphi. When you turn on the AC, the button just lights up, and in Delphi it says that the AC button is on. but no reaction to the clutch. I now have nitrogen instead of refrigerant, about 4 bar. a 1.25 volt signal comes out from the sensor, and the evaporator temperature sensor still writes “not permissible value.” Maybe there is some other sensor, or conditions for starting the compressor? (I know 2: refrigerant pressure sensor, and evaporator temperature sensor). Thank you.

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