
D3 Grandad
Full Member

am trying to get all the little jobs done as an ideal time as i’m taking inner arches , panels out as i progress whilst doing my front struts

my aircon has a leak somewhere, haven’t got the rear aircon fitted

was just wondering on the off chance if there’s any favourite places they leak plse, ie a particular O ring within a certain area

seeing 80% if the pipes are hidden i’ve been trying to find a schematic of the route the pipes take and wondering if anyone may have one and be so kind to post it up here plse , hopefully showing where the connection unions are etc

many thks as always in advance
Any pipe joint that isn't gas tight.
The people in this link are highly recommended


Leaks, might be a few of them, ;), seeing they are so well hidden i think half the battle is finding them, lol

just trying to see if i can fix the leaks prior to getting it recharged and save some cash , can only but try

many thks appreciate the link :)
Best get it recharged with a uv dye in it. Then any leaks show up easily when you shine a uv light over it, best done at night. Did that with mine and confirmed my suspicions that the compressor was leaking.
Best get it recharged with a uv dye in it. Then any leaks show up easily when you shine a uv light over it, best done at night. Did that with mine and confirmed my suspicions that the compressor was leaking.

many thks, that’s what i will do if i can’t find the leaks myself , seeing the leak could be anywhere

did actually see some dye online and already got an ultraviolet torch , lol

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