
New Member to group.
Love my vogue but it's getting tough.
Had her valeted .day after every warning light in the book came on.
No hdc available parking brake fault transmission overheat all systems off brake fluid check
Gone into garage had 2 leaking break pipes now fixed off side rear abs gizmo replaced all lights went out on test drive abs back on.garage saying needs a new rear drive shift?make any sense to anyone.
Welcome :).

No, it dont;).

How much water did the valets chuck around, and how often did they wake up the car opening and closing doors?

Ask in the vehicle specific part of the forum, for better help.

But I would say get your battery checked and fully charged first, before you open your wallet too much

Yes splahed loads of water about but not engine bay doors open and closed a lot.had a new battery under warranty 3 weeks ago.
How do I find the vehicle specific bit?
Sorry but all a bit new to me all this.

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