
Hey All

Well, finally done it - got myself a battered old '73 Landy to play with.

I'm pretty spanner handy, but rubbish with electrics. Oh dear.

Very sold chassis, solidish running gear, and plotergiest electrics - prepare for a million newbie questions like... "What does this do?" "How do you do this?" What the fook is this all about??!"

It has parabolics up[ front, heavy duty HCPU rears, comfy seats, massive roof rack, wonders all over the road, scary electrics, and a grin factor of 11 out of 10.

Pics below - look forward to raping you all of knowledge.





Oh forgot to say, also has superwinch free wheeling hubs and a fairey(sp??) overdrive. Is this good??

howdoo and welcome to loony zone
with yer electrics i had weir problems with mine bout 10 years ago where id park it up and the left indicator would come on all on its own turned out to be the bonnet holding prop shorting out the battery maybee you just have a wire shorting somewhere also i had a little problem with the starter not getting power sometimes this was just a loose connection on the back of the ignition switch
i soon learned that the wiring on series 3 landys is pretty simple
hope this helps :welcome2::welcome2::welcome:
Thanks mate I'll check it out!

Thought I'd clean up all the earths see if that helped too?

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