
New Member
Hi all,

The reason I bought a landy (and so joined this fine site) is because I'm heading down to Africa for a year or so starting around november 2011. I'm still looking for a travel buddy, and would also be interesting in hearing about anybody heading down during the same time.

Comments, questions, or suggestions are welcome!

- Andrew
Hi Andrew...I'm looking at doing a 3 month trip around that time, down to Capetown. Maybe you can pm me your email and we'll take it from there.
I've read that aside from vehicle prep (and carnet), the day to day costs should be in the $40-80/day range.... depends highly on if you're buying alcohol and staying in hotels or camping. I would budget no less than 15k GBP, 20 is better. You should do your own research though, and come to your own conclusions.

- Andrew
how many days is it

I'm planning on going for a full year, maybe more if I can afford it.

By the way, I'm no longer going to leave Nov 2011, as I'm pretty sure I won't be ready by then. I've realized I should do a couple small trips in 2011 first (like my post for "Morocco in April/May") and am also not saving money quite as quickly as I had hoped.

- Andrew

My plans are to sell up and downsize to all but essentials in Jan/Feb 2011. I intend to live entirely out of a Landy/camping and get into as many adventures as I can. If you want to talk about possible expeditions I'd be happy to swap ideas. The combiniation of a shoestring budget and my desire for adventure means I will be doing all of my trips with minimum luxuries - but in my mind that will make them all the more rewarding.

I have very big ideas about expeditions in the mid term but like I think you already said, best to get some small ones under the belt first for experience so my aim is to cover Europe in a few seperate trips throughout 2011.



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