Wow, bet it's a dream to drive on and off road with so much torque! Yours an auto did we decide?

That would be monstrous!

Yep - auto. The TGV is meant to chew up manuals pretty quickly but as I don't have a manual I can't say for sure. It would benefit from the bigger V8 torque converter.

Lovely to drive off road. There are some green lanes nearby (nothing too tricky) which I drive most days when picking my daughter up from nursery and it pretty much trundles though between tickover and 1200 rpm.

Lovely to drive on road too. Still debating a Defender transfer box though.
Was that drive in - drive out or supplied only?

Drive in-drive out. There's no way I'd tackle fitting an engine. They get to keep the old lump too but then I don't think it was worth a great deal. :eek:

I never asked about supply only but I guess it would be cheaper. :)
I have seen the 2.7 tdv6 conversions....which i am not sure if they are that much.....but could be wrong
6k is a big lump of money, sheesh!

Hey ho i suppose, quality is enjoyed long after price is forgotten :)

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