
New Member
Hi all as you know i am doing up a series 3 truck cab, i have the curvy windows and the rear windows but i am missing the frame for the latter..

Does anyone know if the later defender window fits in the gap or would i need to modify it.

Or does anyone have the frame and gutters for the rear sliding windows on a 3 series i can buy...I don't want to buy the whole roof and back bit as i know there are a few on Ebay.

I am drowning under old LR bits at the moment and need to keep parts to a minimum many thanks in advance

Is it the same guttering and sliding windows as the safari rear sliding windows? The guttering has some tubes on it to allow water to drain on my safari sides
Thanks for the reply but to be honest i have no idea. i have the Haynes resto and manual for the car
but they are **** to say the least...I know it may sound dumb but i need some advice here....

I am not a land rover guy i know sweet "fa" about these things......But i know they need to live to fight another day so PLEAZZZZZZZZZZ help.

defender window wunt fit as its got rounded corners,put a piccy up so we can see wot yer missing.
as mentioned above its basically the same as a csw rear window setup.
as for the rear galved guttering as far as im aware its not needed unless yer fitting the canvas rear cover

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