I've had a 300 Tdi Disco 1, TD5 Disco II and a TD4 Freelander.

The best one for off roading + family car imo is the TD5 Disco II. It's very capable off road and comfortable on road and performs well overall.

Freelander feels more car-like on road. It's quicker as you'd expect but is nowhere near as good off road. It will be outperformed by a Suzuki Vitara and ground clearance will easily become an issue. I remember ripping off my entire exhaust system, costing nearly 300 quid to fix. This isn't a problem on the Discos because the exhaust system is neatly tucked up out of the way, thanks to the ladder frame chassis. Don't get a Freelander if you're serious about off roading. (I used to rate them highly until I got a disco and saw what all the fuss was about!)

As for the 300 tdi Disco 1, it's capable off road, OK on road and cheap to buy and fix.
When I had a Freelander and when it snowed, I took it out to help people and literally nobody would take me seriously. People would raise an eyebrow and say stuff like "will it do it?" etc. Mind you, it was more capable in snow than many people would think but it was clear they were not highly regarded.
Only around 25mpg though compared to the freelander TD4's 40 mpg.

On a regular basis I'm now returning between 31 - 33 mpg.
All down to sensible driving. Most weekend I travel the best part of 200 miles on A class roads and if I stay under 60mph, the difference is noticeable.
At one stage we had both a TD5 Discovery and a TD4 Freelander, both had their uses. I did find the Freelander very small after using the Discovery.
In fairness couldn't fault the Freelander.
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