
Active Member
Okay, under the old girl to fix the gear linkage. Usually story, it popped of while driving. 3rd and 4th only...hammer and cable tie and will see how long that lasts..does anyone know a good permanent fix?. I know you can't buy the linkages anymore.

But as usually, you fix one thing and find 2 more..

This is drive shaft into ird. L99ks like an internal shim has come out. Lot of grease flung everywhere. What's best repair.? Replace drive, the end joint or fix it insitu. Can it be fixed?. And how safe to drive in the meantime?.

And the 2nd one

Looking up at back of engine when fixing gear linkage, this black bar seems very loose. I can't see what it does or comes from.. it rattles like mad and seems to be loose at one end. I can't see either end to verify. It's not part of gear linkage(I think) anyone any idea?? And should it be very loose.

Thanks in advance.
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1. New rods now available from Muddymods.

2. You can buy replacement boots but check bearings not collapsed.

3. Not sure, guess would be IRD coolant pipe?
Thanks. It's not a pipe. Some sort of bar that is curved. Thanks for the muddymods tip. I'll try them. Any tips on checking the bearings. I have a spare drive shaft, VCU etc. Might just change it.
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Looks like the IRD breather, but it's in the wrong place if it is. The IRD breather is supposed to go upwards, but is fitted to the right of the turbo IIRC.

If you have another prop, then change it. However I'd only change the front section, there's no need to replace the whole thing, especially if the VCU is in unknown condition.
Looks like a "simple" gaiter replacement on the prop shaft.

Not sure what that bar is. Not something a grease monkey has dropped down there at some point and its wedged itself in there? Looks like a some kind of flat bar, possibly supporting summat, been there quite a while by the patina at the bottom.
It's definitely the IRD breather snorkle, it's just bent about and not secured correctly.
Thanks, but it's a round bar. About 8 or 10mm circumferance. Its curved with a bit of a bend further up. Can be seen from the wheel arch.Feels like it was/should be pushing something. Can't see it from the top of the engine. Unless I start to strip of cover and pipes etc...

Will try getting a better look at it this week. Going to change the front part of drive shaft. She needs a clutch at the moment. Trying to fund a mechanic who's not to busy. So he can do that at same time...

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