
Hi all, have done a search and cant find a full answer to this if anyone can point me to a link or give some advice that would be great thanks

When parked overnight car drops only on the drivers side back and front to the same level and after 2 days onto bump stops on drivers side only.

Could this be airbags air lines or valve block leak, have tried the eas software and no faults come up. Front air bags were replaced last year totally wore through to the cord and rears previous owner replaced 3 years ago still look new.

Thanks for any replys

2001 p38 4.0
Are you parking on the level?
Have you tried parking facing the other way?
Has anyone been playing with your valve block? Is it possible that the pipes aren't plugged into the correct sockets?
Have you tried removing the timer relay from under the passenger seat?

Greetings from an ex-pat :D
Why isn't it self-levelling? Has someone done the bypass trick on the EAS relay to stop it levelling?

Sounds like a leak on that side although why doesn't it level all 4? Guess someone could have swapped a couple of solenoids round in the valve block and in trying to level it is just going further and further out.
That's the part that's throwing me is its only one complete side, tried parking it backwards and forwards and in different places and always the drivers side

It's a slow drop overnight thing, was thinking valve block as checked the pipes for leaks at the air bags or is there any weak spots under it to check? Is there anyway way to tell or check if the solenoids have been swapped or moved around? never dug into the eas system before other than to replace the front air bags last year

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Would be thinking you definitely have leaks somewhere. Drop it to access then select standard, rear should rise first then front.
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Done the drop to access height and as asked it raised from the rear first then the front. On holiday at the moment with the p38 but have ordered a valve block rebuilt kit also the kit for the compressor figure with its age it wouldn't hurt it for a refresh.

Will post up the results in a week or so when get home to start tearing into it. Thanks for the tips and what to look for

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