
New Member
Hi all,

I'm a little confused, i am trying to sort out my misfire problem and have been through the Rave manual as i have a new set of HT leads on order and plan to replace leads plugs and change rocker cover gaskets and valley gasket at the weekend,

Am i right in thinking that when the rave manual say's "LEFT" on engine they actually mean "RIGHT" when viewing engine from front of vehicle?

I'm asking as any diagrm i have found regarding the GEMS engine shows cylinders 1,3,5,7 in a line to the right of the crank/water pump pulleys,

On my 1998 gems the have placed no.1 lead on the front left cylinder when viewing from front of vehicle (left of pulleys)

Also am i right in assuming the coil pack runs 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 left to right viewing from front of vehicle?

Many thanks for any advice.
Fortunately the GEMS coil pack is easily accessed. The newer THOR has them tucked down the back.

Standing looking at the windscreen with the bonnet up you are correct in saying the right is left and the left is right. So on your left you are looking at 2,4,6 and 8 (8 being closest to the screen) and look to the right then it's 1,3,5,7.

The coil pack connections are 18456372 I believe in that order as you look at it so that should tie in with what you have already unless you have whipped everything off at once in which case you will need to get this bit confirmed.

Mine is a THOR so its slightly different as there are two coil packs each with 4 connections.

Have you considered it's actually the coil pack itself that is faulty? I had to change each of mine as it was showing 'engine damaging misfire' on one then another.
If 1 on the coil pack is the 1st connection on left of coil pack looking from front of vehicle no.1 lead is in fact connected to no.2 cylinder so this may explain a few issues, am pulling it to pieces on sunday to change rocker gaskets valley gasket and replace leads and plugs so hopefully should get to the bottom of a few issues.
Just found this in rave manual for 97-99 gems....................

Ignition Coils (Z261)
The ignition system on the petrol engine consists of
a “DIS” format, a Direct Ignition System, comprising
of four double ended coils operating on the “wasted
spark” technique. The circuit to each coil is
completed via switching within the ECM (Z132),
allowing the coil to charge up and then fire. It
produces sparks in two cylinders simultaneously, one
cylinder on the compression stroke and one on the
exhaust stroke. Due to relatively easy ionisation of
the fuel/air mixture in the cylinder under
compression, the coil will dissipate more energy in
that cylinder than the other, so very little energy is
wasted in the system.
Failure of a coil will result in lack of sparks in two
cylinders (coil 1 feeds cylinders 1/6, coil 2 feeds
cylinders 5/8, coil 3 feeds cylinders 4/7 and coil 4
feeds cylinders 2/3). This results in a misfire.

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