Hi everyone,

I'm looking to have my 2nd dip into the Land Rover world !! I had a 2005 RR 4.4 V8 (BMW engine) running on LPG and lost confidence in it as had to have the gaskets done twice in 2 years, rightly or wrongly I put it all down to running on LPG to be honest as I don't think engines are meant to run on gas.

I'm now looking to buy either a 2007/2008/2009 TDV8 or 4.2 V8 or 4.2 V8 supercharged ?

Advice please on MPG between the 3 and also recommendations on which you think would be a better buy and why ? Also, should I hold fire and wait until I can afford to buy the new models that came out in 2010, are they better with reliability? Any advice gratefully received, fire away .......... :)
No worries. I hope the answers are there that you need. I know the 'official' figures are sometimes off but would the RR wiki page help with mpg?

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