
Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I've been out of the "club" for a while now.... my old 300tdi 110 sort of ruined me for a while, but I'm coming out of the fog now! I'm looking at buying a 2006-ish (last of the td5's?) 110 for my general use landy, but I'm stuck on my "summer fun" landy...

After a brief flirt with the idea of adding to my saab collection with a convertible, I have started thinking about canvas-back landys! I started doing some scouting around on the bay, and quickly realised that I need a bit of direction... series 1, 2, 3 - all seem to have canvas-back options - plus there's the lightweight too...

What would the general advice be about the possible best options? how easy is it to live with each of the engines? I've only owned a 200tdi and a 300tdi so far, so NA diesels and 2.25 petrols are all foreign to me! I'm not looking for a daily commuter, just something that's nice to drive, and can be used for summer trips, and perhaps a treck across europe or such like...


That doesn't sound like you want anything like the K reg series III 2.25 petrol truck cab, canvas back 88 that I owned then. Try diesel with overdrive or something with a more modern engine perhaps. Still looks the same.
Any reason why not that one then? Just the fuel economy, or something more sinister?

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Still got a 88 hard top (which you could convert to canvas) 2.25 petrol which is my only vehicle but top speed and fuel economy would put me off long journeys. Maybe with an overdrive but not had one to experience it.
Useful info, thanks.... I imagine some must have dropped modern engines into them before now, but obv finding an original option which is easy to live with is much easier.

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Could anyone offer some pointers about the major differences between series 1, 2, and 3...and the lightweight.... I know that's a bit general, but I want to make sure I'm starting down the right road...

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If your talking trek across europe then that makes it a 109 . I would suggest stage 1 V8 or 109 6cyl or 2.5 4cyl (no diesels ) as if its an occasional use the petrol costs are not a big thing
with a full length tilt . The series vehicles you can remove the door tops and roll the sides up , makes quite a nice drive on a hot day (leaving the tilt top up saves getting sunburn on your neck etc) JMHO
I think I should have phrased that slightly differently for this forum... When I said ' trek' I meant in a very pedestrian way...driving through france, etc.... The sort of thing you'd do in convertible car...

109's are out as my mrs won't drive it....took big apparently! Just looking at the 88/86 options...

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