
Well-Known Member
I am in Australia and havnt been on this site for a while and now it seems google has taken over this site and is putting adverts in that is disrupting the content I hope that the administators are getting well paid for these ads as im not going to be using this site any more
I am in Australia and havnt been on this site for a while and now it seems google has taken over this site and is putting adverts in that is disrupting the content I hope that the administators are getting well paid for these ads as im not going to be using this site any more

its crap on a phone
bearable on a computer
much better if you join/pay the subs for ad free viewing
I am in Australia and havnt been on this site for a while and now it seems google has taken over this site and is putting adverts in that is disrupting the content I hope that the administators are getting well paid for these ads as im not going to be using this site any more
Use the Opera Browser No adds then.
I am in Australia and havnt been on this site for a while and now it seems google has taken over this site and is putting adverts in that is disrupting the content I hope that the administators are getting well paid for these ads as im not going to be using this site any more

You will, best LR info and banter site for decades ...

Ask any question on another site and they MAY answer in a month or so ...
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You clearly have no effin clue as to how much a forum costs to run. Come on here to get $$$ of free advice, and complain about a few adverts.
This sort moaning post really gets my goat. :mad:
+ 1 to the above. OP go look at companies house records and you will see that the forum is still costing the owners money, or at least it was the last time I looked.
I am in Australia and havnt been on this site for a while and now it seems google has taken over this site and is putting adverts in that is disrupting the content I hope that the administators are getting well paid for these ads as im not going to be using this site any more

If you pay the annual fee you see no ads. It isn't a lot if you're on here regularly.

Or Ghostery browser used to work.

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