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Hi all,

I got a letter from AF to remind me my policy expires at the end of this month. Like the mindless drone I am, I phoned the number provided, credit card in hand, to pay the renewal. That was 3 days ago, and despite calling that number over and over and over and over again at all times of the day over the course of those 3 days, the line is constantly engaged. Later today I got a different contact number off their website but the outcome was the same: unreachable.
I can't help thinking if I can't get through when I'm trying to pay them money, what hope have I got should I need to actually make a claim?? It doesn't bode well to my mind.
So basically my question is, has anyone here had to make a claim off AF and if so, how promptly was it dealt with? I've decided I need to know this now before I waste more time trying to get through to them. From what I've discovered, it would be quicker to start a new policy with someone else than to keep fannying about on failed attempts to get through to AF. Thank god my house hadn't burned down!
Anyway, your claims experiences with AF please..
Hi there I have claimed a couple of times of A/F but not with l/r

but with my Westfield ,they dealt with my claims promptly.

But I have had issues with the outside firm they use to sort claims.

They don't always seem to know what is going on with the claim.
on one occasion the car had gone to the factory for repairs and they[the firm] never told them to start repairs ,it sat there for a month or so till it was sorted, .It then took another 8 weeks or so for body parts to be made and repairs to be completed I think about £2000 of eventual bill was for car hire.

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