Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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Bloody admiral who I've been with the last 12months just sent me an email saying that they've renewed my policy and taking the funds out of my bank without evening saying anything!! Luckily they give you two weeks to cancel but that's bloody cheeky renewing the policy without contacting you!

Phoning them up in the morning to give them a word and to cancel the renewal, especially as I can save £450 odd from else where! Grr..
Quote from adrian flux today at £1200 area best price out there they said.
Then got a quote from flux direct at £522 with "Qudos" insurance with all mods listed the same etc..
What's going on adrian!!
Flux and admiral both auto renew so if you don't have any other hangups about there policies and the way they conduct business then just go with the cheapest.

I had a quote from NFU the other day and they will be getting all my business come renewal time, unfortunately both admiral and flux are dirty, money grabbing w@nkers and won't give me a refund on the remainder of my policy.
I am with Bell Insurance (for the last 3 yeas or so) and they, also part of the Admiral Group, auto renew.

All I do, when I get the renewal notice from them, is to have a quick check around to see how their prices compare, and decide to stick with them or not.

This years renewal notice (as from beginning of May) shows a reduction in the premiums of around £10 per month compared to this last year.
quick tip for this, change your card number yearly, then they have to send a letter saying it couldn't renew
Just had a phone conversation with Admiral about a renewal notice they sent me last night. A quick look at a few comparison sites suggested that other people's quotes would be around £100 cheaper. The upshot of the conversation was that they gave me a reduction of around £120. So I'm very pleased. The point is that this year, like last, I got a reduction by haggling a bit. It always pays to phone them up and negotiate. Even the folks they've got at the call centre seem to have some discretion over what they charge so it can pay to speak to them.
Yep I did try and haggle etc but admiral couldn't do my renewal any cheaper so I've gone with adrian flux In the end.
They were in fact the cheapest out there for me and covers all mods off road use etc so even better!! I personally found their service spot on! No problems with them and Dan on here has always got back to me soon as possible with good advice and a lot easyer than phoning up there main call centre to ask a silly question!

I don't normaly say things like this but I actually highly recommend adrian flux now with the service and what the policy covers me for.

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