
New Member
Hi folks,
i'm new here and already have a question for you. I have a 2003 disco and a very short girlfriend. I'm thinking of adding a strap to the passenger side front door/front window pillar to aid her entry into the car. i have found some straps at rock and road that are designed as defender door replacements but am not sure whether, if i drill into the pillar to fit the strap, it will be strong enough.
Cheers in advance for any info or alternative places to put the strap (she's left handed so stuggles to use the grabs on the seat).

Hi folks,
i'm new here and already have a question for you. I have a 2003 disco and a very short girlfriend. I'm thinking of adding a strapon to the passenger side front door/front window pillar to aid her entry into the car. i have found some strapons at rock and road that are designed as defender door replacements but am not sure whether, if i drill into the pillar to fit the strapon, it will be strong enough.
Cheers in advance for any info or alternative places to put the strapon (she's left handed so stuggles to use the grabs on the seat).


:D:D bored sorry :D
Someone will have the answer, I'm sure. I'd have thought it would be strong enough - but it depends on the err weight....
If it's the door handle ones prob not. Theres already a grab handle on the dash. What's wrong with that
can't remember if it was black cab or metro cab,but one of them had a strap attached to the same bolt as top seat belt fixing it was the rear facing seats.
Thanks for the quick replys.
Redhand, mine has the airbag fitted so hasn't got a proper grab handle, just a bit of a ledge which isn't enough to get a good grip on.
I carry a caravan step in the back of mine so I can take my mum out as she has had 2 new hips and could not get in otherwise.

Its a pain in the arse getting it out and putting it back away again but its simple and it works.
Thanks for the quick replys.
Redhand, mine has the airbag fitted so hasn't got a proper grab handle, just a bit of a ledge which isn't enough to get a good grip on.

Ahh righty ho.. small climbing sling then attached to the existing grab handle.
You can fit a handle same as the grab handle above the door onto the door pillar. Write up on the d2boys club site.
Little plastic step on a piece of string Is what you's what my wife used to get in & out of my ex- mod grab handles in that,

Not as bad in my discovery but Dr Evil is making my Rock Sliders with tree sliders built in but really they will act as steps for her !!!!

The plastic step on a string works really well though !
we have no more space for any more shoes (and i though landys were an expensive habit:eek:)
besides, even in 6" heals (ooooo) she is still well below the average pigmy.
like the idea of a folding step though and even more the idea of tree sliders, sorry, side steps.
I aint tried it, but i is told a length of chain hanging down in a look makes a good step, and doesnt get smashed up off road.
Rock sliders are a bitch to use in heels.

Think shes just got to perfect the technique..its a couple of bob up and downs first before the big lunge. My girls are all midgets and they just bounce up into the beast :)

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