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I have a Series 2a, which has a series 3 cab on it and a few other parts to "bastardise" it from its originality, I am happy with this, although respect that many people like to keep things original.

As i mainly use it as an off-roading / green laning toy I am slowly tweaking it to the off-road needs and am about to install a pair of Disco seats to add a bit of comfort and luxury to the drive.

As the seats will be bolted down to the seat box i will loose the use of the very useful tool locker under the passenger seat - which brings me to the point of this post -

If I were to cut a hatch into the side or front of the seat box (so either opening into the passenger foot well or opening outside when the passenger door is open) will this create any fundamental structural problems?

I am contemplating the fact that i can add reinforcement to the box, especailly across the top where the old hatch is and potentially down the side of the new hatch opening

Has anybody ever done this or can anyone offer me any advice on doing so? Or even - general advice on cutting out a hatch out of a sheet of metal and converting it into a hatch without it looking like a bodged job!

Any advice welcomed, and thank you in advance,

Mike :)
I think you'd be allright so long as you put the hatch in the sheet section, ie dont cut through any members.
Disco seats will probably go in, however I'd weigh it up first, theres not much legroom, and the disco has seatmounts a lot further back, you might find that it doesnt weork so well, I've never tried it so it might well work, let us know that'd be a cool mod.

I did contemplate the space issue before buying the seats - (especially as i am 6ft2 - so not exactly small), but as a pair of Disco seats cost me £11.50 i decided it was worth the risk of buying them and trying them out.

I've got the drivers seat in the right position now, but having issues dropping the fuel tank so i can bolt it down yet - but I can still get in and out ok and the driving position still seems good.

After its fully installed and tested i'll get some photos and report back as to if it were a success or not.
hi could you add some piccys when the seats are in as im thinking of going the same way for comfort cheers
hi could you add some piccys when the seats are in as im thinking of going the same way for comfort cheers
I cut a hole in the front of my defender seatbox and lined it with beading from an old car boot. Cant see any structural problems arising as there is still plenty metal left around the edges for support.
It's very handy as well and I haven't seen the need for a hatch as there is a lip to stop stuff sliding out and you cant see it anyway as it faces forward.
My Series 3 was fitted with mini Metro seats when I bought it. Great if you were 5' with an odd shaped back!
The tool box locker has been "modified" by removing the front panel. Having replaced the seats with proper ones I just pop rivetted a piece of chequerplate over th hole. No problems with structural strength providing you don't cut any any members as dr pepper says. Leave about 2" or more from the sides/top. Best position is facing into the footwell.
hi could you add some piccys when the seats are in as im thinking of going the same way for comfort cheers

Just a quick update for you, drivers seat went it relativley easily - i will try and get some photos this weekend whilst i'm away green-laning.

A few key things to note:

You need to drop the fuel tank out. If its anything like mine the fuel filler pipes attach behind the seat. To reatach these you need to take the back off the disco seat whilst the base is bolted down.
This is very easily done by removing the 4 star screws on each side of the disco seat allowing the back to then move forward.

The base of the disco seat can easily be taken off the foam, once you have an idea where the seat will be so the back fits, mark it up then take the base off to mark the bolt holes - this will ensure the bolt holes are in exactly the right place.

There is an extra bit of weak metal on the base of the disco seats which means the runners won't sit on the base properly. There are two solutions to this - add some spacers to lift the seat up (its about 20mm at a guess) - or - take the easier approach and cut this bit of metal off - it doesn't appear to be at all structural.

Comfort wise - supurb! I am now installing a 4 point harness as i am less likely to snap my spine if i'm held in place whilst off-roading now!

Driving wise - I'm 6ft 2" (ish) and don't have any problems getting in / out or driving.

I haven't had chance to do the passenger side yet - new suspension, shocks and a new dash as well as the harness have taken priority as i normally travel alone so the passenger comfort is not important to me!

I will happily advice further if you hit any problems though - and will get photos up asap :)



Just noticed your based in Burton - i live up near Swad (on the Burton side) so if you want to see what it looks like get in touch - i'll try and check the forum slightly more often now too!
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