

For the past month I’ve been getting an adaptive dynamics fault on the dash and as a result, can’t use any of the terrain controls. This didn’t majorly worry me initially, as I never really used any of these controls. I phoned my indie today to get the car booked in for diagnostics and was informed that this fault is usually linked to the air suspension. I was asked if the car moves up and down ok, if it’s drivable and if there are any oil leaks.

I’ve had the air compressor changed not 3 months ago due to it not working correctly,and before then had it changed 6 months prior! Therefore, when I got back into the car after phoning him, I started to test the suspension again, and lo and behold I got an air suspension fault when lowering the vehicle! Sometimes it will go all the way down but bounce back up again because it thinks there’s an obstacle, other times it will go down fine but mostly I get the air suspension fault and the vehicle goes into normal height.

Has anyone had this same issue before?

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