

So I have learned my lesson about the need to understand cars thoroughly before buying one. Having been told by the dealer (not LR) that my D2 had the ACE removed and the pump was running on a loop, I have been living in ignorant bliss. The ACE pump was actually running to the ACE ARB actuator and recently the pump ran dry and seized, causing a hard stop for me at Heathrow on the day I was picking up the mother in law... believe I had another thread on that whole escapade.

Recently I also had an issue where a jagged hole in the wheel arch had split the hose from the turbo to the intercooler. Easy to replace but I did wonder why the hole had come about in the first place, I should have investigated in more detail.

I have replaced the ACE pump and belt with an idler and non-ace belt and I have replaced the split hose. But I have now spotted why the hose problem occurred in the first place thanks for a very audible bumping noise over speed bumps

The ARB on the passenger's side seems to be permanently rammed directly up into the wheel arch, and the link is hanging loose, not connected to the axle as it should be. I have no idea why I didn't spot this before.:mad: clearly I'm more of an idiot than I thought. It is pushing up directly into where the hole that caused my hose split is.

Anyway, long story short, I plan on changing out the arm for non-ACE as soon as I can, but to keep me on the road for now does anyone know why the ARB is pointing in the direction that it is, and whether there is a way for me to pull it back down and connect the link where it needs to go? Is it just that the ARB is fubar or is it just completely "sprung" and needs to be "unsprung"?

Please don't tell me to keep the ACE - it's a lovely idea and I know it does work very nicely, but I don't want it and that's that! ;)

If needed I will post a photo of what I mean re: the ARB pointing straight up, but my POS phone is also dead right now and won't take a charge :mad: - I'm having one of those months!

And for the record, there is no ACE warning light even with the pump removed, so I suspect a previous owner got sick of the problems and just disconnected the warnings... Makes me wonder what else is just "hidden"! o_O
Picture of the roll bar below with the link hanging loose. The bare metal at the top is where the intercooler hose had been blowing compressed air through the crack in the metal. That problem is fixed but if I don't do something about this stupid hunk of useless hanging metal it will just happen again, and then I'll fail my MOT:p


I have no idea why I didn't spot this earlier... I think it must have something to do with being one of those people who thinks he knows what he's doing but really doesn't :D
Can't help I'm afraid but I certainly know the feeling. I could write the book on how to buy a lemon - although I did strike lucky with my D2.
Suggest you get yourself a copy of Rave if you haven't already. The anti roll bar link (the thin bar with the joint at each end) should be attached to the axle not waggling about in the breeze.
Suggest you get yourself a copy of Rave if you haven't already. The anti roll bar link (the thin bar with the joint at each end) should be attached to the axle not waggling about in the breeze.

Aye I get that bit haha. The thing is that I can't figure out how to get the link down to the hole it needs to go through, it's like the anti roll bar has flexed all the way up and doesn't want to come back down so my best effort get the link thread about six or seven inches from the necessary hole. was wondering if there's a way to do this that I don't know of, or if the anti roll bar itself is "overextended" or busted or something.
If the ACE actuator on the other side is still in situ undo the banjos to releae the residual pressure from it then it should move more freely...get handy with a jack or some lever and force back that link to it's place
If the ACE actuator on the other side is still in situ undo the banjos to releae the residual pressure from it then it should move more freely...get handy with a jack or some lever and force back that link to it's place
Great that's what I was looking for. Will give that a go

Edit: appreciate the advice given I've seen so many threads with you passionately defending ACE repair over removal!
Yes... but you was too determined to bin it in the first post so i thought i better rest my case:cool:

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