
New Member
I'm a newbie having a bit of trouble (nothing usual for us as it's connected to all things Land Rover!!). I can't access galleries and get this message:

"This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache/1.3.37 Server at www.landyzone.co.uk Port 80"

I have correctly input my login/user name and password.

Any ideas ........? :confused:

Thanks in anticipation.
Hi Rabbit and Welcome to the Mad House!!
The site was down for a while, but Roy (the guy who runs the site) managed to get it up and running again. I know he said that it would be a while till the whole site was up and running, this inc the Gallaries sections. I can't access them either. Give it time and it all should work itself out.

One of the other guys may be able to shed more light on the matter???
Here you go this is what Roy said:

OK, landyzone is now back to the standard software and has been fully updated to the latest version of vbulletin. There are still a few bugs to iron out and the gallery/forsale/reviews section wont be updated for another few days or so. Sorry about the time taken to get us back!
Thanks for letting me know (and so quickly), thought I was just being thick (wouldn't be the first time ......!), I will just have to be patient.

Thanks for letting me know (and so quickly), thought I was just being thick (wouldn't be the first time ......!), I will just have to be patient.


A patient man...........now there's a 1st :)
You are welcome thou, I'm sure things will all be back to normal soon.
Not nessahcelery. Got to be patient if your straight:
Waiting fer wummun to bring yer beer, to cook yer fud, to drop their kex, be in the mood, finish in the bathroom, lots of things, all takes patience don't it?
in support of minimans crusade agin naughty words this post has been doctored so it dint have none.............................................

how many times have you stood at the bottom of the stairs and shouted up.
" fer miniman sake wumun will you get a minimaning move on " or
" miniman wumun will you hurry up am touching cloth here" or
"wheres me minimaning dinner? am mininmaning staving"
"get yer keks off ah fancy a miniman"
how many times have you stood at the bottom of the stairs and shouted up.
" fer miniman sake wumun will you get a minimaning move on " or
" miniman wumun will you hurry up am touching cloth here" or
"wheres me minimaning dinner? am mininmaning staving"
"get yer keks off ah fancy a miniman"


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