
Just fitted a V8 to my series 3 i bought it with a siezed engine that the previous owner had partially stripped and abandoned.At last i have got the engine running,however the accelerator pedal does not return. Im missing a spring somewhere.I have a spring up at the carbs.Is the spring too week or am i short another spring on the bulkhead mechanism?
Another question while underneath i noticed the shackles on the front leaf springs are different lengths,and the ones on the rear are different lengths left compared to right is this correct?as the landy still seems to be sitting straight.
There's normally a return spring on the throttle pedal of most cars, as for the other stuff don't know. :(
Certainly the accelerator on my 1987 90 that has a V8 in it has a spring to assist the return. So I'm guessing that that is what you are missing.

Might also be worth disconnecting one end of the cable, tieing it up to the bonnet and running some WD40 down it followed by some thicker oil over a couple of days. My Cobra suffered endlessly, particularly when hot with a slightly sticky throttle and that ultimately sorted it. Takes a few days to properly penetrate the whole length of the cable though.
Pretty sure my disco doesn't have a pedal return spring, was a swollen pedal that caused mine to stick, just loosened the pivot bolt a touch and added some lube :)
I posted this very problem some weeks back with the similar symptoms.

1) New return spring
2) Lubed the pivot

Success! The old spring could be easily squeezed in my hand and was mis-shaped.

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