
New Member
Afternoon all.

Thought I would ask a question which you could discuss during lunch/dinner tomorrow.

My ABS pump has sprung a leak from one of the pipes on top, got the red flashing light and thought it was just low fluid because of pad wear.
Managed to tighten the pipe a little and it is less but still there. Strange thing to happen I would say!

Think I will need to undo to take a look at the flare/seat. If the loss of fluid is minimal will it need bleeding?

I believe that as its downstream of the ABS module then you might only need to bleed as normal. Will be marked as to which line it is.
Thank you for the reply Griff.

Not noticed any markings on the pipes, never looked of course, would be good to know which wheel to bleed though, makes it easy.
Going to cut through a ring spanner to fit over the pipe first then onto the nut, an open ender tends to spring so you cannot really tighten.
Done it before in simillar circumstances, best to use some means to keep the ring from flexing, mole grips work!

Not in the mechanical engineering hand book but the good stuff never is.

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