Driving to work with no warning the abs 3 lights appeared then 10secs later the inactive air suspension popped up, abs could be a wheel sensor but why air suspension?
Any ideas please
This is my reply to your private message you sent to me....just so it is here too as it may help others


You have posted in a private message - if this was meant for the forum, then i would repost in the Range Rover section...

Anyhow, yes a duff ABS sensor would bring up Air Suspension Inactive warnings as the systems are linked via the CANBus...the EAS uses ABS signals for speed and stability information...if the EAS system doesn't know the speed of the vehicle it doesn't know how to adjust vehicle ride hieghts to suit.

If it was a bit wet out during your drive, it could be damp getting into the ABS connector(s)....you'll need to get it on diagnostics to find out which system is causing the faults.

Best of luck!'
This is my reply to your private message you sent to me....just so it is here too as it may help others


You have posted in a private message - if this was meant for the forum, then i would repost in the Range Rover section...

Anyhow, yes a duff ABS sensor would bring up Air Suspension Inactive warnings as the systems are linked via the CANBus...the EAS uses ABS signals for speed and stability information...if the EAS system doesn't know the speed of the vehicle it doesn't know how to adjust vehicle ride hieghts to suit.

If it was a bit wet out during your drive, it could be damp getting into the ABS connector(s)....you'll need to get it on diagnostics to find out which system is causing the faults.

Best of luck!'
The Saints back, it must be Christmas. ;):D
For a quick temp fix switch off engine and restart with EAS selector switch depressed. See what you get.

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