Hi i have a freelander 1 TD4 auto the 3 warning lights lit up used my hawkey and it came up with (rear right sensor signal missing or to low code 5dc3)
so changed the sensor took lights out then drove till abs light whent an then the 3 ligts came back on and the same code 5dc3
In the live data part of the hawkeye abs menu there's an item which lists the wheel speed as determined from each wheel sensor. Do all sensors show a speed when it's moving?


You can measure the resistance of the sensor.
What year is yer hippo? It will be either MK20 or MK25 Theves unit abs.
I assume a low signal means the abs is receiving a low signal.
That could be down to the sensor or it could be down to the reluctor ring gap - this is a guess.
The changed the abs sensors at some point but can't remember when.
hi it is a 2001 withe push in sensor i have not done the wheel speed but when you jack the car up both wheels off the groad and look in the hole where the sensor goes and turn the wheel the reluctor ring stops still and you can see the drive shaft through the gaps moving is it post to move or stop still

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