
Active Member
Im going to wales with a few mates next weekend to do some laning and rough camping, got the camping bit sorted but not really figured out where to go yet! looking on os maps etc there seems to be a couple long lanes up from the neath valley towards brecon, anyone been here, or if not, got any suggestions for a good weekend trip? we'll be going lone wolf so nothing too challenging although saying that there will be a few of us and we got self recovery kit.
Cheers all :cool:
Have a look at green laning coel bren neath valley. Farm there does camping and the farm is riddled with green lanes part of which is the sarn helen.
lesson 1. Never go alone.

Yeah got that, went to wales for the rally last weekend... its gonna be very wet and slippy if the weather stays as it usually is in wales!

Got a buddy comming with now so there will be two of us to get stuck :)
Hi,I'm quite sure that the Sarn Helen nr Col-bren is closed due to a tree desease within the forestry.


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