New Member
Hi all.
Up to now I've been one of the many, many parasites who utilise this fantastic site to surmount problems without ever giving anything back. I've run a Defender and a bunch of Discoveries over the years and enjoyed them all, even after putting waaayyyy too many miles on some of them. Three Disco 3s with in excess of 200,000 miles on, one of them with 276000. These days, living just north of Rome, we've stepped down a notch as running a vehicle here with a motor bigger than 2 litres is VERY expensive and my lady wife fell for an old Freelander sitting in the back of a barn. So it came home with us, rattling and clonking like a good un. We didn't pay much, thank goodness! So I've got a fresh vehicle to get to know....... Somehow I think I'm going to need all the help/luck I can get.
Welcome to the forum

All them years of pain are over now yer bought a freelander.

Main forum index:

Freelander 1 and 2:

Defender, 90, 110, 130 (tratters)

Series 1, 2, 3 (tratters)


Range Rover:

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