well ive just got out of hospital after being rushed in in an ambulance

ive had a chest infection which i couldnt seem to shift for over a week
but yesterday morn i took a turn for the worse,kept drifting in out of sleep,had no recollection of my kids n family i lost nearly all my memory and had a screaming migraine

they suspected a bleed but after hours of being connected up to machines and having a ct scan the final diagnosis was rga some king of amnesia bought on by the migraine and the infection

i have to say it was very scary and having no memory and according to my mrs not being able to give answers to simple qs was very confusing

happy to report im back in the land of living just gonna take some time of work to get better:)
good to hear you're fit and well again

think the misses needs to be looking after you lots for the next week or so :)
good to hear you're fit and well again

think the misses needs to be looking after you lots for the next week or so :)
gotta tread carefully there todays her birthday and i aint got her a card or prezzy:eek: but she says shes just glad im home.:D

just gotta learn to chill a bit i spose too many late nights djing and doin stoopid hrs at work takes its toll in the end:mad:
Got to take care of yourself at your age.

On the plus, you have the perfect excuse for forgetting her birthday.
gotta tread carefully there todays her birthday and i aint got her a card or prezzy:eek: but she says shes just glad im home.:D

just gotta learn to chill a bit i spose too many late nights djing and doin stoopid hrs at work takes its toll in the end:mad:

tell her you are still confused, and forgot. Tell her things changed your plans,and after so comp time you'll make it up to her.
Glad your feeling better buddy !
Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.


Do you remember selling me the 200tdi engine from the disco you won on eBay for 75p ? :D
Glad you're on the mend, can't have been a nice time at all!
Glad to hear you are on the mend. Take it easy for a while. Listen to your body (its what my family tell me).
I had a similar thing a few years ago, I was working on y car for its mot and the phone rang ( I was living at my mum and dads) I went inside to tell y sister that my uncal had called, apparently what I said to her made no sence and half way through talking I collapsed and had a fit. I came to with a paramedic stood over me (the rapid response car was parked on the end of the street) as I came to he said Steven your alright it's nothing to worry about, and I replyed I'm not alright otherwise you wouldn't be here,

Then like you got taken to hospital for loads of scans and tests, never found owt tho,

Crap thing was the suspended my driving licence for 12 months, lost my job

I can look back now tho and the changes I made then to my life style, I'm far better of for it now.

Hope your better soon mate.
Glad to hear you are recovering well, dont waste the warning tho , remember the landy logo , one life etc

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