
New Member
This should really be posted elswhere BUT
Went round to my mate V8kennys house put he world to rights and went to leave as i was sitting in my RR classic he points to his P38 and says what do you think of my latest aquisition pointing at the wheels
Looked like the same alloys so asked what he was pointing at
Ive just got a set of LR embossed valve caps!!!:rolleyes:
That must take the biscuit for sadness
Call yerself a mate? Dobbing him in for one of the saddest cases of branding ahv heard for a long while................not cuz he felt the need ter git them............but cuz he felt the need ter point them out. :rolleyes:

Tsk, not sure who's worse!
Up yours McCuaig ! :p
At least I'm not thinking of selling my rangie and buying a nissan micra cos I'm too tight to buy fuel !
Anyway, I think they are rather fetching - they match my land rover pyjamas :D

-Wills :D

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