
OK So I had my fingers burnt 10 years ago when I took on a probably massive undertaking (considering my complete rookie status at the time) of a series ii barn find that had been wired badly then sabotaged by a "helping" "Friend"

Time has passed and at the weekend found me an 02 plate TD5 Discovery ES.

Absoloutley chuffed to bits with what appears to be a very well looked after vehicle, the only thing that I found not to work at all is the heated passenger seat and reversing parking sensors. Still something of a rookie grease monkey and well aware that there is plenty to happen in the future but very happy to finally be on and off the road in MY Disco.
One year on and I'm kind of dissapointed in myself that I have relied so heavily on a mechanic, However time and space have become something of an issue and The guy thats done the majrity of the work has explained loads to me and encouraged me to do the easier stuff. Most complicated job I did being replacing the injector loom after some strange issues with getting it started in the mornings.

Coming up to a year in and having just splashed out on a set of BFGs I have to say the Disco is everything I wanted it to be.

Next up I think I need some decent coaching in off road use.

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