Likewise Adam, all the best to you (& the new addition) & all on LZ.
May 2017 allow the skin to grow back on our knuckles, the scars on our forearms to heal over.......& indeed our head gaskets to stay tight (i'm asking too much of the last one i know).
And all the best for Christmas and the New Year also to you and all LZer's around the world, Santa's coming, chasing the sunset, I've been good so I hope I get that difflock for the Disco I really need.
Merry Christmas to one and All

Just a note to say a Merry Christmas to you all, Diesel and Petrol alike.

Hope you all have a good 2017, may your EAS remain firm, your electrics stable, your coolant levels constant, batteries charged and head gaskets tight.

And Merry Christmas to you as well, Adam! :)

Not sure about all of that^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^! But everything started up this morning, including my body, so things aint too bad! :D
George and I wish you all Crimbo stuff :D

Drove George today to aid a broken friend. Drove perfectly as always pity there's little crimbo spirit in the dafties who have no idea how to drive :rolleyes:o_O

Sitting now contemplating many different beers & spirits :p

Tonight, visiting wife's Lithuanian friends for food, drink & joy.

Tomorrow, teaching my son how to work the mp3 player & bloo teef speaker Santa is bringing :D

Love from Andi, Ruta, Aiden and Pooki :)

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