
hey everyone... i have recently fallen on hard times and am asking for
help if u can spare it...

a little over a month ago my father passed from a heart attack... he
was playing ultimate frisby (we live in ga, it stays pretty warm here)
with some of his friends in the park and he got a little winded so he
went to go sit and take a break... well, his friends thought he was
just laying down because he was tired and by the time they realized
that something was wrong it was too late.

i knew my father wasnt the wealthiest man alive, but i had no idea that
he would leave my mother with a ton of debt that she had no way to
pay.. as my moms only child its up to me to make sure that she gets
through this. she's having such a hard time emotionally dealing with
this, the last thing she needs to worry about is money... so long story
short, i dropped out of my community college and moved back to cumming
to take care of my mom... i withdrew all my savings and got a full time
job here but that still isnt enough... so i had to sell my jeep last
week. it was an 88 jeep cherokee 4x4 that ive had since i was 16. i
fell in love with it and its been my baby ever since. i put a new motor
in it less than 10k miles ago. it had 4.5" lift with cutout flares &
33" swampers on american racing wheels. 6 ipf aux lights, warn front &
rear bumpers w/9500lb winch, rock sliders, roof rack, full skids,
lockers & 4.11 gears. i put over $10k into that jeep and only got $6k
for it.

ever since i was 7 years old and rode my first four wheeler, i have
been in love with off roading... there are so many reasons why i love
it, but the main reason is that it has always been my escape from
reality... no matter what i was going through or how stressed i was, as
soon as i would hit the trails all my cares would just fade away... my
full attention would go to what i was doing and not what was bringing
me down.. it always reminded me how petty most of my problems were, and
how much joy can be had from the simple things in life. the first thing
i did when i found out that my father had passed was hit the trails. i
parked on the top of a hill overlooking the lake and just sat on my
hood and tried to recall every memory i ever had about him... now i
cant even do the one thing that has kept me sane all these years...

basically, what it boils down to is that every drop of my money is used
to pay off bills and theres no way ill be able to afford to get another
4x4 for at least a few more years... i am asking you to donate any
money u can spare to help me out in saving for a new one... even if
it's only $1.. heck, even if its only 10 cents... every little bit
helps right? im sure there are people that will read this and think
that i am just trying to scam people... well first i would just like to
say that anyone who would lie about a family member passing to get
money is a sick individual... and second, if you doubt me then by all
means dont donate anything to me. im not looking for a cash cow here.
im just down on my luck and would very much appreciate any help u can
spare... and if u are tight on money then dont worry about it... all im
asking is if u have the money to spare it would really help me get back
on my feet. as it is now i have to pay my neighbor to take me to work.
and i dont regret anything for a second bc my mother has done so much
for me in my life anything i can do to help her through this i will
do... i will work until i cant move for her... but anyway, if u would
skip that cup of coffee today and donate that $1 to me instead i would
be eternally grateful.. at the bottom of this letter i have put a link
to make donations through paypal's secure server. it lets you enter the
amount you would like to donate so u can chose any amount u wish. just
copy and paste the address into your browser. if you would like to mail
a donation u can email me at tahoejeebs@aol.com and i will send u my
address. and by the way on the donation page it says 'tahoe for joe'.
this is bc i have always wanted a 2door tahoe, and no, i dont expect to
get one. it just popped in my head and it made me smile so i put it on
there...i tend to grab onto anything that makes me smile these days...


even if you can't donate any money it would mean the world to me if you
would keep my mother and i in your prayers... thanks for everything and
god bless you all..

joe morrow

Ask King George for some help. He claims to be so ****ing "compassionate"

"joe" <tahoejeebs@aol.com> wrote in message news:1107952275.142839.165450@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com...
: hey everyone... i have recently fallen on hard times and am asking for
: help if u can spare it...
: a little over a month ago my father passed from a heart attack... he
: was playing ultimate frisby (we live in ga, it stays pretty warm here)
: with some of his friends in the park and he got a little winded so he
: went to go sit and take a break... well, his friends thought he was
: just laying down because he was tired and by the time they realized
: that something was wrong it was too late.
: i knew my father wasnt the wealthiest man alive, but i had no idea that
: he would leave my mother with a ton of debt that she had no way to
: pay.. as my moms only child its up to me to make sure that she gets
: through this. she's having such a hard time emotionally dealing with
: this, the last thing she needs to worry about is money... so long story
: short, i dropped out of my community college and moved back to cumming
: to take care of my mom... i withdrew all my savings and got a full time
: job here but that still isnt enough... so i had to sell my jeep last
: week. it was an 88 jeep cherokee 4x4 that ive had since i was 16. i
: fell in love with it and its been my baby ever since. i put a new motor
: in it less than 10k miles ago. it had 4.5" lift with cutout flares &
: 33" swampers on american racing wheels. 6 ipf aux lights, warn front &
: rear bumpers w/9500lb winch, rock sliders, roof rack, full skids,
: lockers & 4.11 gears. i put over $10k into that jeep and only got $6k
: for it.
: ever since i was 7 years old and rode my first four wheeler, i have
: been in love with off roading... there are so many reasons why i love
: it, but the main reason is that it has always been my escape from
: reality... no matter what i was going through or how stressed i was, as
: soon as i would hit the trails all my cares would just fade away... my
: full attention would go to what i was doing and not what was bringing
: me down.. it always reminded me how petty most of my problems were, and
: how much joy can be had from the simple things in life. the first thing
: i did when i found out that my father had passed was hit the trails. i
: parked on the top of a hill overlooking the lake and just sat on my
: hood and tried to recall every memory i ever had about him... now i
: cant even do the one thing that has kept me sane all these years...
: basically, what it boils down to is that every drop of my money is used
: to pay off bills and theres no way ill be able to afford to get another
: 4x4 for at least a few more years... i am asking you to donate any
: money u can spare to help me out in saving for a new one... even if
: it's only $1.. heck, even if its only 10 cents... every little bit
: helps right? im sure there are people that will read this and think
: that i am just trying to scam people... well first i would just like to
: say that anyone who would lie about a family member passing to get
: money is a sick individual... and second, if you doubt me then by all
: means dont donate anything to me. im not looking for a cash cow here.
: im just down on my luck and would very much appreciate any help u can
: spare... and if u are tight on money then dont worry about it... all im
: asking is if u have the money to spare it would really help me get back
: on my feet. as it is now i have to pay my neighbor to take me to work.
: and i dont regret anything for a second bc my mother has done so much
: for me in my life anything i can do to help her through this i will
: do... i will work until i cant move for her... but anyway, if u would
: skip that cup of coffee today and donate that $1 to me instead i would
: be eternally grateful.. at the bottom of this letter i have put a link
: to make donations through paypal's secure server. it lets you enter the
: amount you would like to donate so u can chose any amount u wish. just
: copy and paste the address into your browser. if you would like to mail
: a donation u can email me at tahoejeebs@aol.com and i will send u my
: address. and by the way on the donation page it says 'tahoe for joe'.
: this is bc i have always wanted a 2door tahoe, and no, i dont expect to
: get one. it just popped in my head and it made me smile so i put it on
: there...i tend to grab onto anything that makes me smile these days...
: even if you can't donate any money it would mean the world to me if you
: would keep my mother and i in your prayers... thanks for everything and
: god bless you all..
: joe morrow

Johnny Fairplay is that you?

"joe" wrote in message ...
> i am just trying to scam people... well first i would just like to
> say that anyone who would lie about a family member passing to get
> money is a sick individual...

Wish I could help with your Jeep dilema, it took me 48 years for me to
get my first one and it's still stock so post again when your that age
and you can have mine.
As for your Dad's debt, if it's credit cards that is unsecured debt and
you can tell the creditors to hit the road (I suspect your Mom would
not be on the account) and if your not into paying relations debts (did
he borrow money for your school?).
Have your Mom go to a NON- PROFIT credit counselor to get debts
consolidated and to learn how to manage her monitary resources.
I had to serve my country out of high school (there was a war and a
draft) so I couldnt go to college) and a lot of other BIG things called
responsibilities kept getting in the way - especially like staying out
of debt.
If your story is true, it is indeed a very sad story and my sympathy
goes out you and your Mom for your loss. If it is a scam, it is much
more than sick. Never the less, we start dieing the minute we are born
and we have to keep paying till we die, unless we don't buy to much.
God Bless,

joe proclaimed:

> hey everyone... i have recently fallen on hard times and am asking for
> help if u can spare it...

Hell, just think of all the money you'll have when AOL cancels your
account and you sell your computer. It might even pay for your
legal bills from defending yourself against criminal fraud charges.

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