

This is a little different from the normal landyzone courier service: I have 3 items (small pressure valve and 2 rubbing strips) I need picking up from an address in Northampton (Symington street NN57AU) and posting to me in north Wales (LL421RR).

The breaker seller on Ebay will not list them on Ebay due to "the fees he needs to pay" and Im worried he will just take the cash and dash, (forgive my untrustingness but I dont know him from Adam).

Could anyone go round and collect the parts (I will paypal you before you go + some beer tokens for your trouble) and then sling em in the post for me please?

Not going to be about for a bit - if you PM funkykipper with the details , he'll text me and I'll pop over and get the stuff
Well if it doesn't happen this weekend I am up that way next weekend too at the pay n play.
cheers guys Ive only just got back online ive been busy with the kids, gutted ive missed a few opportunities by the look of things.

FK: next week would be fine im in no immediate rush, where abouts in Gwynedd do you go?

Im in the Barmouth area but work in Dolgellau.
cheers guys Ive only just got back online ive been busy with the kids, gutted ive missed a few opportunities by the look of things.

FK: next week would be fine im in no immediate rush, where abouts in Gwynedd do you go?

Im in the Barmouth area but work in Dolgellau.

Ha. We will be in fairbourne fri sat Sunday. I can bring them with me kipper, although I'm working away this week so wouldn't be able to get the from Northampton
Ive prob seen you fellas about, I always see a lot of modified landys down here at weekends, must pull my finger out and get mine MOTed.

Have you been to the pay and play in Bala?

Got a mate in fairbourne that does tinting, vynyl wraps, liquid wraps (for alloys) and tints for lights , decals etc, hes a good lad and gives me special mates rates, if you want anything done I can let him know to do it cheaper for you guys?

just in the proccess of sorting out getting them picked up but gotta go to work now, will be back about midday, will update then.
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Right now I'm in Llanaber. Even same postcode so I'm not a far away at all.

Next week as Deasy says we'll be on the other side of the bridge.

If you stand on Barmouth harbour and look across to fairbourne and then look up, we are in that very large forest.
haha! Im on the wayside straight in llanaber (opposite Caerdaniel caravan park) I might try to get my landy sorted for next weekend and join you if that would be ok?
Naaah thats the dogging spot:D, its more "on site" Ask Rob and Rhian next time your down ;)

You camp or you got a van down there?

I always notice the Landys camping down there and wonder if its anyone from LZ.
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Ooooooh actually on the site. Well bless my soul. Although I've never been a fan of shagging brummies or scousers.
These the right bits mate?

If so, i'll get them wrapped up in foam and pallet wrap for you and in the post tomorrow.

(ignore the first aid stuff, just packing for Morocco!)
sorry mate just seen your text, was cooking a lamb roast and left phone in lounge, yep thats them :) Hope it wasnt any hassle for you in the end.

Thanks for doing that, if postage comes to any more let me know and I will sort the difference.

Right back off to the lamb and my big glass of red, mmmmmm........

Cheers again buddy:)
sorry mate just seen your text, was cooking a lamb roast and left phone in lounge, yep thats them :) Hope it wasnt any hassle for you in the end.

Thanks for doing that, if postage comes to any more let me know and I will sort the difference.

Right back off to the lamb and my big glass of red, mmmmmm........

Cheers again buddy:)

No problem, will sort out for you this evening.

Tbh... I would have been in two minds about trusting the fella too, but, all sorted now.

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