
New Member
hi again friends! after solving my last problem of not getting the bonnet open, i now have the problem of cleaning up the engine. i know this is not a big problem, but none the less, i am only 16, and am a very enthusiastic guy! so i was wondering before actually going at the FILTHY engine with a pressure washer, are there any tips on how to clean it? where/where not to use the pressure washer, any specific places whitch need lots of oil after washing it? i am going to oil the WHLE thing after washing it, just wondered if there are any specific places...

thanks so much guys (and girls) you have been a great help to me on this forum already, and i only been here 1 week!! Cheers a lot, Rob.
As long as you spray the plug leads and dizzy with plenty of wd 40 or something like and dont directly wash these areas you should be ok also take care around the air intake
i agree with rob you need to keep well away from carbs /air intake and distrubutor /coil do not like water /but as long as you are prepared to spend a few hrs on her its worth it hint do the carbs with toothbrush and bit wd40 works a treat any realy bad oily bits try using a little brake fluid this real works but only put on cloth check all connections and earth straps clean area and refit dont get wd40 on any fan belts cos it will make them slip befor washing put little grease over your relays will help prevent to much water getting in i used to use a sandwich bag to cover important bits take time rinse well get to know her and shel look after you
cheers! i washed her last night, left her to dry, then oiled her nicely, hope i got all parts of the engine, she looks a beauty, love her to bits!

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