
New Member
I had a phone call today....1.30ish......a lad i know had got stuck on a local greenlane in his Rangie....sent me a pic on his mobile..and it looked as tho he was well and truely buggered..(went out on his own.......stupid boy..!!)

But looking at the pic on the fone .....i didnt recognise the place he was in.

Anyway to cut a long story short.....he's 22...just got his first 4x4...and i'd shown him this lane that is local to me.....and said whatever you do....dont stray off the track..cus i know the landowner very well and he has had so much **** from 4x4's churning up his fields after planting etc...which he is doing at the moment.

I offered to go down and help get him out.....but only have my Disco at mo on AT's so mite struggle a bit......

Anyway driving down the lane to find the Rangie....with this lad in front of me in his brothers Vitara..we meet a tractor coming the other was Ed..the land owner.......and he went TITS!!...I know Ed well..and he ripped into this lad big time.....and i mean 'BIG'

He had driven the lane but got bored and decided to open a gate and attempt to cross a stream that was just a bog basically!!
There was no way my disco wud've got him outta there.

Ed finally calmed down...and said to the lad give me £50 and i'll get you out with my Manitou......if not i'll call the police cus you are on private property.

He had to cough up.......cus there was no way i'd get him out....the Manitou's rear wheels were 3ft off the ground trying to pull him out..!!

Ed didnt want the money......or need it.....he said he'd give it to charity....just to teach that fecker a lesson...and i gotta agree with him.

So.....if you're out laning.......stick to the route.......Ed..and many like him..are Land Rover owners and dont mind people using the greenlanes...if they stick to em.
couldnt agree more. i was out laning with the club 2 weeks ago and we saw some zuks driving about on the hill top. when we got to the end of the lane there was the filth taking number plates. we quickly showed him our route via GPS/memory map and told him the zuk drivers (who tried to tag along being us!) were the ****ers who were off the track...

needless to say, they got booked and we drove off ;)

and before you all start, im 24 and my 90 is my first car let alone 4x4! if you wanna **** around and get stuck, pay your £25 and go pay and play. simple.

As I'm sure many a sheep farmer will testify it ain't funny gettin caught stuck up somewhere you shouldn't be:D
It amazes me the number of supid people groups clubs about, don't know what it is which drives them on sometimes they get carried away edgeing each other on.

there is a legal row lane in north wales the last 300yards is bog despite warning from other experanced off roaders certain individuals and/or groups are determined to get to the end.

Never seen anyone who has done it once the lead truck gets stuck often they all do, theres no where to use anchors etc the ground is to soft, remote surrounded by other peat bogs its a long way to main road.

The farmer does not like anyone up there, however will rescue them after a couple of days (i think he makes them sweat a bit) charges of £300 per vechicle cash only are common, argue and he points out environment agency charge a lot more.

I've seen a fair few pulled out after a few days, they tend to sink and water gets in everywhere if its petrol it might start after a few hours, dieasls different injectores out etc, plus all the electrics starter etc need drying out. If it wount go theres another charge to tow to the main road

Often never see them again
It amazes me the number of supid people groups clubs about, don't know what it is which drives them on sometimes they get carried away edgeing each other on.

there is a legal row lane in north wales the last 300yards is bog despite warning from other experanced off roaders certain individuals and/or groups are determined to get to the end.

Never seen anyone who has done it once the lead truck gets stuck often they all do, theres no where to use anchors etc the ground is to soft, remote surrounded by other peat bogs its a long way to main road.

The farmer does not like anyone up there, however will rescue them after a couple of days (i think he makes them sweat a bit) charges of £300 per vechicle cash only are common, argue and he points out environment agency charge a lot more.

I've seen a fair few pulled out after a few days, they tend to sink and water gets in everywhere if its petrol it might start after a few hours, dieasls different injectores out etc, plus all the electrics starter etc need drying out. If it wount go theres another charge to tow to the main road

Often never see them again

ah think you need an up to date welsh/english dictionary

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