there is a guy called motodrome on e bay, 5miles north of reading who seems to make a living just selling motors, mainly defenders. just would like to know if anyone here has bought any from him or knows anything ? hes selling one at the moment for just under £10,000 looks nice but a bit out of my price range lol
many thanks, sounds like a right arthur daily. lol tbh for the defender hes selling at the mo for just under £10k he says is a factory built county station wagon (car) so i do my usual i go on and put in the regustration number and it comes up as a pick up truck (van,commercial vehicle) so it turns out its clearly been tampered with and try getting an insurance quote for a modified van with side windows and seats to keep it valid? ££££££££££ lol
Mines a pickup turned into a van with rear seats (no windows yet) heavily modified and I've had no problems insuring it.
Mines a pickup turned into a van with rear seats (no windows yet) heavily modified and I've had no problems insuring it.
how old are you tho mate? im 26 and got six years no claims and they still class me as a 17 year old lol only one insurance company gives me a quote with a van or truck defender with rear seats and thats flux direct
No point using comparison websites for a fender, esp with mods. Ring brokers direct. You could start with Adrian Flux. I don't use my no claims on the defender, I keep it on my other car, but I still got a reasonable policy.
#just had a look at that annetts and orchard im affraid i dont qualify for that, it says the vehicle must be modified and must be used off road, affraid im looking for just a standard defender, and not looking to thrash it around in mud either for the sake of it. maybe the occasional play but nothing extreme like through rivers and crawling boulders lol

so the comparison websites are no good then? need proper land rover insurance?
No, comparison sites are largely hopeless for Fenders

Can't remember all the common names just now, but Flux, Lancaster are two

If you search defender insurance am sure some others will pop up
Being a 21 year old with 0 no claims, Diamond was the best price I got. I think the fact that is it aimed at girls lowers the price a bit, but they can't discriminate so blokes can use them too. My car had no real mods (apart from bull bars) but the price didnt go up by too much with them.

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