
Green Laning Activist.
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Noticed ive dated this as 2010. It was of course 2012.
Just a little advice for anyone venturing up there, the river is quite high at the moment and was rather fast flowing.





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you wernt kidding, were you :)

i take it that the last but one pic was the stopover to let everything drain out.
The fun bit is where you remember there is a direct route for the water from behind the bonnet to the inside of the car through the heater vents. OOPS!
Sweeet :) , when we went up the river was low . Think the 90 would float away seeing the vid lol .
This guy appeared behind us. Asked if we thought he'd make it across the first river crossing. :eek: :eek:
Jokingly we said that considering his vehicle he'd not have a hope in hell but we'd happily record it on film if he did decide to attempt it. :D :D
Wisely he turned round and went home. :scratching_chin:
Nice piccies mate. I'm jealous.

But some of us have to work for a living you see. :D
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Oh and I've got a great new lane for you to do when you are back bud. You're gonna love it.

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