
New Member
I am buying a 98 HSE 4.6HSE Autobiography (my mates think I'm mad) and will be selling my faithful 97 P38 4.0.
I just wonder if there is any advice anyone can give on what to look for when I view it on Sunday this week?
I know I'm mad but I love P38's and this one has all the toys which my old one didn't, having said that apart from a fuel pump my old one was a faithful machine.
I know 4.6's have camshaft issues but this one has just had the camshafts done and also has Full service history - it has 103,000 on the clock.
I will be having it gas converted for the sake of my bank balance, was going to have the older one converted and keep it but I know I will just keep spending money on adding what's missing from it so now I'm getting one that has it all in the first place.
Your views guys would be much appreciated.

Don't say that too loudly or mine will think its will have too go too.

Evrythin bloomin else has.

I rekon I have a Hypocondriac car:mad:
Hi there .
Who said they got cam issues? Is this another way of saying mine does that?

Thanks for the replies guys, got it wrong it wasn't the cam that was replaced it was front end diff and some valve parts.
Still love the things - anyone knnow what I should really be looking out for engine wise (am familiar with the electrical and warning message nightmares)
Worried mostly about the engine failure ussues which seem to happen requiring new lumps - surely if I look after it and keep up the services as book Ithe engine should last for a couple of hundred thousand miles - my pal has a 4.6 and his has done 230k on the same engine and still going strong (on lpg too).
Thanks for the replies guys, got it wrong it wasn't the cam that was replaced it was front end diff and some valve parts.
Still love the things - anyone knnow what I should really be looking out for engine wise (am familiar with the electrical and warning message nightmares)
Worried mostly about the engine failure ussues which seem to happen requiring new lumps - surely if I look after it and keep up the services as book Ithe engine should last for a couple of hundred thousand miles - my pal has a 4.6 and his has done 230k on the same engine and still going strong (on lpg too).

Keep checking them coolant leaks. I dun't know where it all goes.(well actually I does. Its all on me carpet)
I am buying a 98 HSE 4.6HSE Autobiography (my mates think I'm mad)


I would make sure your ACTUALLY buying a true official Autobiography as there are unscrupulous car dealers that claim its an Autobiography when in fact its an HSE with after market bits and stickers.

Ask Teddy, he got scammed on eBay and lost his £200 deposit. When he posted the eBay link it was obvious to me and many other on here it was NOT a true AB RR.

Also, I thought Autobiography's came out from 99/2000? A 1998 model sounds a bit iffy to me.

I would make sure your ACTUALLY buying a true official Autobiography as there are unscrupulous car dealers that claim its an Autobiography when in fact its an HSE with after market bits and stickers.

Ask Teddy, he got scammed on eBay and lost his £200 deposit. When he posted the eBay link it was obvious to me and many other on here it was NOT a true AB RR.

Also, I thought Autobiography's came out from 99/2000? A 1998 model sounds a bit iffy to me.

Hiya Adam ;) yup your right there, they didnt start making Autobiographys until the year 2000 as you correctly stated I did get caught out on that 1 and also look under the bonnet, a true autobiography will have a sticker inside saying something like land rover special vehicles. :D

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