
Well-Known Member
Hi Folks,

Have been upgrading the stereo in a P38 with the distributed HK Amps and (is one in each ) and just when I thought I'd cracked it, and re-assembled the whole bloody door, I found that the bass speaker in the drivers door is u/s.

No Problem, I'll swap the amp, I have a spare ! -no difference.
I'll bypass the wiring and go direct from the multi-plug -no difference
I'll replace the speaker ! -no difference !

I know the feed to the amp is good as I'm getting the mid and high range O/Ps i'm just getting nothing from the bass.

I supppose it could be the amp AND the original speaker but seems like a stretch.

Anyone have any bright ideas of what I might try while i remove the pesky door card AGAIN ?

-as an aside, there's a lot of water collecting inside the drivers door ? could this be related ? or is it common problem ? i `nt see anything obviously awry with the seals.

Thanks again

Plug the speaker into the left working door will rule out the speaker itself.

I think the outstations are interchangeable too. If it all works the other side it must be the wiring. Most likely connectors behind A-post.

Water in door? Can only be leaking past the window seal?
Thanks folks, I've bypassed most of the wiring and swapped speakers and amps, will need to test the speakers independently.
next port of call is the multi-connector which goes into the amp.
Will update when I get the chance -just can't face pulling that bloody door panel again, the door has had a mullering and someone has used very long domestic screws in the handle area...

The seal doesn't look in the first flush of youth but doesn't look terribly cheap to replace and the part numbers get confusing -still cheaper than a rotten door I suppose !

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